Hey guys! I'm new to the forum but I thought I'd start a topic on what kind of DLC packs you would love to see for Skyrim. I thought I'd give one of my ideas to begin with and see where we go from there!
Now from reading the wiki, I though of something which could make an interesting add-on to the game. The name of the DLC could be called 'The Champion's Grave' and it's a massive quest which involves you going to the tomb of the Champion of Cyrodiil.
Hear me out, the tomb was made in honor of the Champion for aiding Martin Septim in saving Tamriel. It could be situated on a lone island somewhere on it's own and pilgrims could often visit it. There is no way to open it without getting the knowledge of how to open it from the original builders. There could be one who is a descendant of one of the builders who had the knowledge passed on to him. You can then get that from him somehow, through a quest or a fight or theft.
Inside the tomb there would obviously be guardians in case of grave robbers so they could be creatures from Oblivion which have been forced to guard the tomb, and other manner of creatures that were in TES IV. There could be many chambers which hold almost all the old armor and weapons from Oblivion and also some of the unique items ( Daedric artifacts, dungeon weapons ). There could be some specific chambers full of the Fighters Guild items, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild. There could be some references to Frostcrag Spire , Fighters Stronghold and other DLC packs. There could be a chamber for The Knights of the Nine where you could get the armor of the Crusader ( after battling the forest guardian ).
After all of this and maybe more, you would finally get to the burial chamber where the most treasured things are kept ( Umbra's sword, Imperial Dragon Armor ). There could be a boss battle where you have to fight the Spirit of the Champion. After defeating him, you would be able to collect the 'goodies' and finally, move to the sarcophagus in the center of the chamber, and you open it.
Now this is where the wiki comes into play because it is thought that the Champion has become Sheogorath. So I thought it would be great for the sarcophagus to be empty! Now either the Champion could be immortal and steps out of the shadows to congratulate you or, after discovering the sarcophagus is empty, a loud laughing noise could be heard in the chamber coming from everywhere. Then everything goes white.
You then could wake up in the chair you had to sit in , in the room where you started 'The Shivering Isles' DLC in and Sheogorath would be sat opposite you and he could say something like 'Well well, what a surprise we have here'. He could go to say how he faked his death so he would be left alone to tend to the Shivering Isles and say the story of how he became Sheogorath. Also ( I forgot the mention, there could be memory stones in the chambers which take you back to some important events in Oblivion, either you watch it or actually play the Champion ), there could be a final memory stone showing the battle with Jyggalag and an explanation of how he inherited his Daedric Lord abilities. After a lengthy conversation, he would give you a final reward for going through his tomb, a shout to summon himself or the spirit of the Champion to aid you in battle. Then you would appear back in the main chamber and be able to exit through a new, unlocked secret passage.