ok, never meant to imply that we can achieve CHIM or anything like that. obviously CHIM has nothing to do with real world. obviously Vivic knows nothing of the real world. but being a part of the game and the part of TES universe anywhere else(your imagination, fan fics, novel, etc) Vivic is made to realize that he is in charge of now his universe, but at the same time...
a)someone or something is in charge of him but he knows nothing of who or what exactly is in charge of him
b)he is limited to his universe, and
c)he knows nothing of our universe.
you might as well take your PC and write a fan fic where he or she is made(by you) to achieve CHIM and now you have another CHIM-fied TES character in addition to Vivic and Talos.
but again, refer to what i said earlier, about the dream... character with CHIM is
a)a part of the dream and knows it
b)is in the dream and knows it
c)is now the one dreaming the dream
d)is now the one controlling it
e)knows that he or she is the one dreaming the dream and that he or she is controlling it
f)the dream controls him or her and he or she knows that the dream is controlling him or her
take two circles. circle A is inside the circle B but at the same time, the circle B is inside the circle A and there you have it. Un-CHIM-ified character was a part of the circle inside the other circle. CHIM-ified, he or she is now
a part of both circles and knows about both circles and in charge of both circles and
is both circles. basically, complete transcendence beyond the universe they used to perceive as real but were made to see that it is not and that at the same time it is real ALL while remaining in the universe they used to perceive.
the moon smashed Vivic city. basically, Vivic did it. the writer wrote the story and did it, yes. but Vivic is the one that did it too; he was inside the universe but now he
is the universe, so you might as well blame Vivic for it(and not be wrong). in no way is Vivic the writer of the novel, absolute not. but he is the one that did it because he is the universe now. he even announced he would do it in the Loveletter. anyways, i am pushing the line here, i think... i'l have to gather my thoughts and come back to it later
