from what I see, there are 3 local variables, called in that script, and all of them have been declared. However, there is a DD_GlobalInitiative.state that refers to a variable called "state" in the script "DD_GlobalInitiative". This script, is included in the other esp file (that should require MWSE) included in the download, and this other esp should be loaded before the other one. How is your load order?
Does it happen only to the bonewalker? or also for other creatures? This script is referred in the script of all the summoned creatures, so you should get the same error for all.
Firstly let me say, I made sure the load order was correct, with CI_Global.esp first and Useful Summoned Creatures.esp second, and I have MWSE running.
Now that that's out of the way, AHA! With a bit of testing I discovered the issue. The reason why I had never noticed this problem before was because, and this is just a guess, no other npc that summoned a creature (even a bonewalker) had a script on them. The specific npc that caused this error was the target of a quest, specifically the mages guild one where you have to get the guild dues from some chick in a cave.
This was the test: First I attacked multiple npcs who summoned a creature without a problem. Then I made the npc that gave me an error attack me on another save, and no message popped up. Then, I started the quest that involved her and THEN attacked her. Voila, error message. So I assume when I started the quest some sort of script started on her which interfered with the mod.
Now that that's out of the way, how do I fix it? But anyways, I'm content even if there isn't a fix, just that I know what the problem is and that it isn't a big deal.