levels are gained in stats and the stats go towards a level. Every 10 levels on a skill lets the player pick a perk based on the skill. Every level up gives the player a General perk and a few skill points to distribute
world would be huge and there would be vehicles although the player will need to learn to drive/pilot or get a companion who can
Encouraged the player to be an [censored]. Made survival skills more real (drinking from toilets, sleeping in matreses , executing wastelanders, medicine having animations rather than just clicked on in the inventory etc )
oh.. and i will make the game scarier than amnesia. Game will take place less than 40 years after the bombs fell.
wastelanders will be stupid [censored]s and you'd be encouraged to kill many.
Raiders will be the same as wastelanders just with a tendancy to [censored] , pillage and kill things.... and you will never be able to tell the difference between them and some wastelanders until you see them doing things
The brotherhood of steel will be a bunch of scary [censored]s that will try to take your energy weapons from you. They wont be a major faction.
I would have a city filled with feral ghouls and once again.. The game makes non ferals apear less than human but not evil
Ncr and Caesars can go away.
Now... Would this game be fallout? Iv broken some traditions... But would you consider this a fallout game?!?!?!!?! It would have the 1950's culture and Science (radscorpions, [censored] computers, nuclear cars and laser rifles) But gameplay wise it's very different. What makes a fallout game a fallout game?