Then we have to throw off our preconceived notions of what it means to create and change, instead studying how such terms are used within TES, creating new frameworks for the words.
Daedra are incapable of it because as soon as they do it, they aren't Daedra anymore, they're Aedra.
I don't quite agree with that. The Monomyth implies that the Daedra missed the boat on creation, that the et'Ada who became Aedra chose to create, and once Nirn was made, all opportunities for further creation vanished.
I dont think you can describe Aedra as Anuic and Daedra as Padomaic.
They're still described as being Anuic and Padomaic.
...the third all the tinder of Anu, and the fourth the very eyes of Padhome.
Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes.
It was the choices those et'Ada made that defined their essence. By choosing to create, the eventual Aedra mantled Anu, whereas the et'Ada who chose to make their own realms and know only void mantled Padhome, becoming padomaic; Daedra.
It still does little to explain why Aedra are representative of stasis. Where they representative of stasis even when they were creating Nirn? Or did that stasis only come after Nirn was finished?