Linguistics has odd variables though and should not be treated as math.
Unless its Latin. I still maintain that the written form is the most mathematical approach to any language I have ever seen.
I dunno. When I was learning Russian; it felt like math to me.
We are talking about a single letter here. We shouldnt treat it as math as an is or is not, or plus or minus, we should view it as people. People have 'passion' in the classical sense meaning soul, fire, drive, blood, emotion, as opposed to the clinical 'AB =\ A'
Even though the word "passion" derives from the Latin "passio" which means suffering and is not thought of that way when using "passion" today. I'm being difficult aren't I? 8:00-10:00 PM is my difficult time.
If the premise is that 'Nu' is 'New' then 'Anu' does not have to mean 'opposite of new'.
It could denote any concept related to it, but sufficiently distinct to be named different.
It could be a concept relating to 'Nu' but distinct because a derivate?[sic]
I agree. For now though I'm just grasping at any branch in reach, no matter how thin. For all we know, "A" could be completely unique in its usage with "Anu", and it could mean something like "The Big New" or "The First New", which actually sounds quite good to me at the moment, but then again we could all be whistling Dixie out our second apertures if the devs just decided to lift the name from Sumerian myth without extrapolating a linguistic background.
On a tangent, the the Padomay/ Anu thingy is confusing.
On the one hand there is the Chaos and the Stasis and that is fine.
But there is also the No and Yes, the Negation and Affirmation.
I have read that Anu cannot be 'new' as it is stasis. But Anu is also the Yes.
Yes. That has been a thorn in my side for awhile.
Aedra and Daedra states that:
Aedra are associated with stasis. Daedra represent change.
Aedra created the mortal world and are bound to the Earth Bones. Daedra, who cannot create, have the power to change.
I'm not sure how a static being can be beings of creation. In the same way; I don't know how beings of pure change can be
unable of creation. It's like the universe is built on laws of semantics, and it is all very frustrating to reconcile.
I see it like this:
Inside itself the stasis contains all that ever can be. It is all that is possible. Yet nothing can be achieved because it is like a crystaline structure and unchanging.
Inside the chaos is the void. It is all that eats the possible. Nothing can exist because it eats itself.
Yet when the two spheres meet there is the interplay. The chaos nibbles at the stasis and the stasis freezes the chaos in place.
That's quite good, although it puts a bit of pressure on my head to take it all in.
As a mathematical view, imagine a sphere of pluses, +1, +18, +pi and the rest, colliding with a sphere of minuses.
They do not all meet their antithesis.
Sometimes a +18 meets a -2 and we are left with a 16. Or the other way around.
The only problem with this is that not all mundane things can be so easily broken up into Anuic and Padomaic forces. I never considered any of the mortal races to exist on a Anuic/Padomaic continuum. I consider the Gray Maybe to be an all-or nothing scenario. Once you're in that gray area, it doesn't matter if you're smack dab in the middle or teetering on the edge of either side. You're gray; mundane; mortal. It's not like you can't leave though; see Talos, Mannimarco, ALMSIVI, Xarxes, etc.
Still it is the stasis that the concepts are soaked off of, by the chaos that shapes them as a concept apart from Anu.
I view it as sodium joining with chlorine to produce something that doesn't hold the outward properties of either. You put Anu and Padomay together, and you get something that is neither.