What does Skyrim need most?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:57 am

How did hardcoe mode make companions worthless for you?
I found that it made them far more necessary. Gotta have some pack mules for my loot if food and ammo have weight!

Ummm, they died? Often? Like every five minutes? Especially Rex.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:40 am

This type of topic isn't suited for polls, mostly because everyone has different ideas and your poll choices don't always reflect those ideas.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:47 pm

Man, I feel jaded. The only thing I didn't put 'No' on was a bigger world (Where I put 'meh').

1. It's to cross platform for Kinect/Move.

I think the Move would be really fun with a TES game if implemented properly, Kinect.. not so much.

2. hardcoe mode (as implemented in F:NV) just makes companions worthless.

Maybe Bethesda will do a better job at HC more than the devs of F:NV? Add schedules for eating to companions and have them sleep when you do. Or just have them mimic he PC's actions, when he/she eats/sleeps the companion eats/sleeps. I wouldnt mind having the option for HC. It's been implemented effectively with Mods to older TES games if memory serves.

3. 'Economic Participation?' Look, do work all day. Work svcks. I don't want to work. I want to hit things with swords.

Agreed. I dont mind buying and selling stocks to make extra pocket money, but the owning of and mandatory escorting of caravans should only be mandatory if I cannot afford a guard to escort them for me.

4. Larger Worlds mean less detail. I like some detail.

Indeed. I'd prefer a more intricate but smaller world than a larger and emptier world.

5. Bethesda can't even balance the game for one player, imagine how bad that would be for two.

Co-Op would be fine by me if i still had the option to turn the difficulty all the way up.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:42 pm

I would interpret "larger world" speaking content wise and not just a bigger land mass.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 pm

I would hate for the kinect part to happen, except maybe for bows because that'd be cool.

Yes for the rest
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 pm

What does Skyrim need most?

"By Azura, by Azura, BY AZURA".

I get the hardcoe now - could be part of t he difficulty stuff, right? Easy < Normal < Difficult < hardcoe... So if a hardcoe rpg'er wants more 'realism', these aspects would be applied by choosing difficult or hardcoe.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 am

OK, so, to clarify the original post/poll:

1) Integration with Kinect/Move
- Kinect only IF they could do a good job
- Move only because it's already a demonstrably precise controller and less 'gimmicky' then Kinect.

Seriously, how is it that none of you want to swing a virtual battle axe with your own arms?

2) hardcoe Mode - as an option for folks that want a challenge and/or who don't like walking around in godmode.

3) Real Economy/caravans: So suppose they don't have fast travel. You have to get from A to B, right? So why not get a job as a courier so that you can pick up and deliver messages with the 'Skyrim Pony Express' on the way there? This dovetails nicely with hardcoe mode, since you need money for food etc. The same thing goes for being a merchant. You have to get from A to B so why not buy a pack horse in addition to your war horse, and load it up with goods they only make in 'town A' and bring them to 'town B' and make a profit? On the way you'll have to protect your pack horse, of course, and you'll probably be travelling a bit slower than usual. But here's the point - You were going from A to B anyway. At least this way travel is less boring and you can make a bit of money in amongst everything else you're doing.
If you really wanted to focus on moneymaking, you could probably make a bunch and spend it on a pimped out crib a la 'Fighters Stronghold' or some such - or some exceedingly rare weapon. Or you could just focus on fighting and looting and hope that you have enough money to keep your weapons and armor in repair etc. The choice would be yours.

4) Larger World: I would like a game world as big as they can make it and still keep it reasonably dense. There is such a thing as too dense, though, I mean, should there really be ruins every 40m? And who doesn't want to see a majestic landscape? I want Skyrim to look like Scandinavia, with tall ice-capped mountains, steep, green fjords, and vast forests, as well as fertile lowlands and abundant lakes. I want it to be grand, and full of wild beasts, and slightly menacing. Tell me that doesn't sound awesome.

5) Co-op - yeah, I get it, Bethesda doesn't do co-op, fair enough.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 am



Only I said No for hardcoe mode, cuz all the suggestions I've read for it I really have no interest in.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:03 am

Buxom Nord lasses that like to tug on my beard. :hubbahubba:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:42 am

Snow. You forgot this one. ;)

But, yeah...

Kinect - No thanks. I can think of FAR more important things on Bethesda's list. Besides, it's more of a console exclusive thing, anyway.

hardcoe - Yeah, but more in-depth. Necessities of Morrowind is a GREAT example of how it could be implemented.

Economy - Definatly. Been saying this since forever. Never done too well, except, perhaps, Daggerfall.

Larger Game World - Eh, I suppose so. Being bigger would be nice, but what we really need is the ILLUSION of a bigger world. Mountains should block my way, roads should be slightly sunk into the ground, etc. ala Morrowind.

Co-op - Well, it's not NEEDED, but I would really love it. I'm going to vote Yes, anyway. TES has great potential for co-op, as long as the game stays as it is, and isn't tailored for it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:36 am

No, I don't want a stupid gimmick like Kinect in TES.
Yes, hardcoe mode could be very immersive.
Yes, that seems very interesting and would add the realism I always wanted. :)
Meh I think the Oblivion map is big enough but wouldn't care if it was bigger.
No I don't want any sort of multiplayer.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 pm

The most important thing for me (and I think most people will agree with me in the long run) is a huge game world, with diverse areas (for example, I loved in OB how there were random little side paths not marked on the map, I always used to follow them for fun). And I loved all the creative different areas in MW - the ashlands, azuras coast, ascadian isles etc. Having plenty of places to explore is a lot of fun.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 am

Scripted fights unlike those hack or shoot style you have now.
Scripted environments.
More varied fighting style. Not just store energy and release.
Mini bosses, unique bosses.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

Does Skyrim need to use Kinect/Move? No.

Does Skyrim need a hardcoe mode? Maybe... I'm not really sure about that. I quess it wouldn't hurt.

Does Skyrim need full economic participation? It would be a nice addition sure, but it isn't something that is very high on my personal wish list so i am gonna say no.

Does Skyrim need a larger game world? That really depends on how much of Skyrim they are gonna use. If they are gonna do the whole province like in Oblivion then YES!!!. If they use a smaller region of the province like in Morrowind, i think 16 square miles is an acceptable size. No matter what they chose, i want a believable scale of the gameworld.

Does Skyrim need co-op? No. It would most likely affect the single player experience negatively and i wouldn't use it anyway.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:06 am

Kinect and co-op : meh, as in "if you like, but I don't have any use for them". Not really sure both would be very easy to seamlessly implement.

Large game world : definitely.

hardcoe and full economic participation : yes, insofar they're indeed options. I think both things, as you describe them, could majorly get in the way of the quests : how do I save the world if I have to escort a verrrrry slow caravan. But I can see them giving an even better replay value to the game. Once I've done everything, I think I'd like just plain survive, just as you explain it. And maybe after, try to survive and do the quests. :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:07 am

Does Skyrim need Kinect/Move?

Not just no, but [censored] no! :yuck:

Does Skyrim need a hardcoe mode?

Okay, yeah.

Does Skyrim need full economic participation?


Does Skyrim need a larger game world?

Emphatically yes.

Does Skyrim need Co-op?

See response to "Does Skyrim need Kinect/Move?" and add :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
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Jade Payton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:43 am

YES for Co-Op.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:20 am

No to Kinect and co-op. Everything else would be pretty snazzy.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:00 am

I would love to see more weaponry. Spears or polearms and dual wielding would be great. I would also like hardcoe mode as long as it's optional. I personally would use it but I know many people would be against it.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 am

no, meh, yes, yes, no
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 am

Does Skyrim need to use Kinect/Move? No thanks. If it did, it should be optional.

Does Skyrim need a hardcoe mode? Doesn't need it, but it would be pretty good.

Does Skyrim need full economic participation? See hardcoe Mode.

Does Skyrim need a larger game world? Nah, I think Oblivion's was big enough.

Does Skyrim need co-op? Nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono-
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

You can't say yet if it needs a hardcoe mode. If it's a hand held walk in a park, then yes. If it's like I'd do it, then it might need a casual mode instead.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:18 pm

OK so here's why I suggested hardcoe mode and economic participation:

If I recall correctly, last time I played ES4: Oblivion, I went from being a prisoner in a dungeon cell level 1 nobody to beastin' my way through oblivion, saving the world and becoming the #1 dude in the kingdom in something like one month - ONE MONTH. During that time I only needed to sleep to level up (and then only an hour was necessary), I could technically have gotten away without eating at all, If I'd had enough potions, and I was able to increase skills and learn at a ridiculous pace.

Now, If you're into power-tripping and being some sort of juggernaut just plowing though quests and banishing all challenges, there should probably be a god-mode like that for you. But if you're like me, and like to approach the game like it's a story, a story that you want to feel is believable, if only barely, and you'll want the game to be harder, but not in a spend-20-hrs-nonstop-hacking-bosses-to-death kind of way - you'll want the challenge of surviving on the lam, of keeping food in your belly and staying warm enough to stay alive in the bitter cold, of dealing with wild beasts and the occasional bandit, and you'll be excited when you find that little bit of treasure that you can sell for enough money to stay in taverns for a whole week! And the whole while you'll be learning, growing stronger, preparing for the big fights that you know you have to fight...

So yeah, I want an optional hardcoe mode like in Fallout: NV so I can be a human in a world that's bigger and tougher than me, not a god in a world that's filled with poor little minions that won't know what hit 'em.

Full economic participation is just the answer to the question, how do you stay fed and clothed, etc., and just gives you the means to survive.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:35 am

What Skyrim REALLY needed most was a new game engine and it got it so I am happy.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 pm

To tell you the truth what Skyrim needs the most is updated graphics.For a game that will be coming out in near 2012 you better be sure it looks Damn Good when its released not looking like oblivion did back in 2005.Obviously I'm talking about PC. So Next Gen graphics is a must.
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