1. Knowing what his or her name will be beforehand helps.... I must have a name. It svcks trying to make this new character, and then getting stuck on what to name her or him WHILE I'm in the creation process. I have to have a clever name, since I'm planning to be
Me too. Those who know my fan fiction, know how I wrestle with finding just the right name. The same is true for my gaming. I hate coming up with names. Once I find a name I like, I tend to recycle it for characters in every other game I play. I cannot list how many characters named http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/Computer%20Games/Diablo250.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Teresa-ActII-Valfreya02.jpg I have played. Anime is one of the places I tend to find names, such as http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion510.jpg, and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion227.jpg
For the past few years I try to pick names from mythology, that suit the character I have in mind. For example, my wood elf archer in Morrowind was http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/Computer%20Games/Morrowind002.jpg. One of my pure magic Witches from Oblivion was http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion527.jpg, and another http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion475.jpg. Once and a while I still get ideas from history or pop culture though. For example, my shaven-headed, blade-wielding, goggle-wearing character from FO3 was http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/Computer%20Games/Fallout3035.jpg. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/Computer%20Games/Fallout3086.jpg, who overthrew the hated
Would it be weird to tell you, I don't know?I honestly don't, some characters feel just right and honestly i don't control that, it just is. While other character are like blah, I don't feel a connection to them.
I start most of my characters with a basic background and idea of what kind of armor/weapons/magic they will use. I often pick out mods specifically for each character. Especially concerning what they will wear (I am a girl after all, so its all about the clothes!

For example, Morn is really taking hold now, as I have learned that she is from a wealthy family in the IC, and has lived a generally sheltered life of balls and other social activities. She is an orc though, so naturally her old man gave her a suit of plate armor and a sword for her sweet sixteenth birthday. Speaking of which, while her father is rich, Morn never knew her mother. While daddy is a rich socialite, she was a theif, who met him while breaking into his manor. Naturally a whirlwind romance followed (doesn't it always

In any case, Morn found herself thrown into prison, even though she was completely innocent (she still refuses to talk about how that happened). Then some crazy old guy showed up, claimed he was the Emperor, and helped her escape. Yeah, riight. Still, he did give her this swanky amulet. Once she got out, she tried to sell it, but for some reason she cannot get it out of her pocket. He must have glued it there. Returning to the manor, she found her father was furious with her, for following her mother's criminal ways. He would not believe her protestations of innocence, and threw her out. Now out on the street, Morn has to find some way to make a living, and redeem herself in the eyes of her father. I suspect that Trinimac will rear his head concerning this.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion414.jpg is another character I really clicked with was the opposite, in that I never really had a fully-fleshed history for her. All I knew was that she was a Mythic Dawn sleeper agent living in Bravil. She was never given orders during the Oblivion Crisis (I RPed that it was over at the beginning of the game), and was basically forgotten about. Afterward she struggled to find a reason for being, and traveled across Cyrodiil visiting Daedric Shrines to find the meaning of her life. I really connected with her sense of feeling abandoned, directionless, and out of place. She was the odd man out. In time she discovered a strange door in Niben Bay, and followed it to the Shivering Isles. There she found her true calling as the http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/subrosa_florens/oblivion/Oblivion451.jpg.