I am probably the biggest re-starter in all of Elder Scrolls history. I have probably started hundreds of characters since Oblivion was released.
To me, it's not a problem to be overcome (I know, that's the disease talking

). It's possible to restart many times and enjoy the process. My favorite part of most games is the beginning. I sometimes do the tutorial dungeon just for the fun of it. It's relaxing to me. I love levels 1-10 in Oblivion. There's something optimistic about it for me. I feel like I have a chance to erase past mistakes, wipe the slate clean (something I wish I could do in real life).
Restarting is a problem only if we do not enjoy it. And here, I think some people do not enjoy it because they are told they are not
supposed to enjoy it. They are told that the "proper way" to play a video game is to start at the beginning and proceed in an efficient manner to the end. If a person hears that enough times they might begin to think that maybe they're doing something wrong if they start a new character.
If you still want help here are some older threads on the topic that may give you some ideas about changing patterns: