Just been playing Fallout (the original Fallout that is, if you have not played it and want to see what it is all about or are a veteran and want to tell me I am doing it wrong you can find my playthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0YU8aB3nao&list=PLuyfc0t3vlW0skuHmtgmde5hQF04-L6Q1&index=1) and currently playing through Fallout 2 and I have to wonder, is Dogmeat really a Dog?
I mean the Dog appears in both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 which would make Dogmeat older than 80 years which is well beyond the average lifespan of a dog and while it is debatable whether or not the dogs that share his name in both Fallout 3 and 4 are the same dog if it is the same dog not only has he survived an extra 46 years he also changed form to resemble a German Shepherd!
So is Dogmeat really a Dog or is he a spirit from the great beyond sent to guide travelers across the wasteland? Perhaps he is a ghoul and ghoulification works differently on dogs turning them into German Shepherds?