» Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:47 am
I love games that have greatly in-depth crafting systems that are neither under-powered or over-powered(sure, you can create the best weapon in the game, but you can't craft it until it's at an appropriate time, or after dozens of hours of grinding). More then one type of crafting as well(armor, weapons, accessories, items, etc). I love games that don't just end with the final boss. Bonus Dungeons that are challenging with a great reward at the end(after beating a super mega hard boss) is great. Other things to do as well, like a gambling system are always appreciated, or bounty hunting system. Oh, and of course, a wide variety of weapons/armor/items to begin with. None of that "Here are two choices per level range, have fun". I want there to be half a dozen equipment choices for a specific level range. Ability to further customize those weapons/armor is also nice
Dislikes: Poor or Cliche Storylines(Honestly, they can be Cliche to an extent, but at least try to make it different from the other dozen RPGs that were released at the same time as you). Lack of options. Over-use of re-skinned monsters(Ok, yeah, the initial monster is a wolf. Then, 8 levels later, I'm fighting an angry wolf, then a Raging wolf, then a Super Wolf, then an Omega wolf, followed by the "super Ultimate majorly angry wolf"). I hate that, drives me nuts. Why would the strongest monsters just be the same type of monster you were able to fight and kill at level 1? There is no logical way the same type of creature, of same shape and size, is going to be vastly more powerful then another just because it lives in a different area.