logans loophole is not an option cause it removes addiction which already has a perk for that and also increases chem duration which there is also a perk for. i really wish they had just left it at maxing out level 30 and maybe getting to pick 2 bonus perks or something. to me addiction is a core part of the game. someone posted a console command that i just used but that still doesnt help console users.
i tried making a character with only 8 intelligence (i usually use 9 or 10) and i didnt take the perk that grants you 2 extra skill points and i just levelled him up with the console to see what happens. even with gimping myself and not having any magazines i was still able to max out guns, energy weapons, lockpick, science, repair, medicine and speech. those are the key skills in the game. i was also able to get in the 80s and 90s in everything else except for barter which i always leave as low as possible for obvious reasons. all that by level 43 and i still have 7 more levels to go. i just used the console command so im fine myself but as i said this isnt an option for console users.
Dude, if you don't like Logan's Loophole then that's it.
You'd would still complain if the DLCs didn't give 5 extra levels.
I mean LL keeps you at the base game's level right, so it's like they don't increase the level cap right? Well except that it prevents addiction. So you'd still level up the same, you can still max skills by level 30.
So you'll just have to quit yer moaning and deal with it man!
Apologies if this explanation ins't clear! :blush: