What *don't* you want to see in Lonesome Road?

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:08 am

Power Armor, because I want to see more people whining on the forums.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:47 pm

Ulysses, seriously. I hope this whole time he was setting us up as a joke and doesn't even show up.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:01 am

I want to see enemies with ridiculously high damage stats, damage-to-player bonuses (like in Point Lookout but even more so), super-perfect accuracy (also like in Point Lookout), high run speed (just a little less than Lanius), 10 perception, but reasonable to low hp.

That way all of the people complaining about "bullet sponges" can start complaining about getting killed in one or two hits at long range from an enemy they didn't even see. I think they'll miss the bullet sponges.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:44 am

I could do with out humor, as much as I like Old World Blues. I could also do with out a weak ass plot like Honest Hearts had... Really irritated me how I didn't get to know anyone in it, save maybe Joshua Graham, who still did not get enough time imho. Despite what some have said, Dead Money actually had a strong plot, it was just... The mother [censored] bomb collar... Would have been fine with even loosing my gear but having the instant death hovering over me every waking moment... Jesus did that get old... Especially at the end when you had to out run the signal or die after a tough fight...I could do with out being locked out quests once I finish the main one... Hated that also in Honest Hearts. I hope there is a lot to explore.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:48 am

I don't want the Divide to fall short of it's potential like the Pitt did. The Pitt had a ton of potential and it was a good DLC but deserved way more. The Divide sounds like a totally unique location and I hope it isn't a let down because it's less detailed/developed since it's in a DLC and not a new game.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:06 pm

Or worse:

Ledgendary Albino Cazador Reaver Overlords Mk10 :cryvaultboy: :cryvaultboy: :cryvaultboy:

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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:21 pm

I don't want:

Bomb Collars strapped to my neck, my brain or other essential part removed, or otherwise trapped in the addon space for the entire length of the addon.

Radiation suits without gloves, gear they should have gave us in another addon when it showed up. Ranger Combat Armor.

A companion that doesn't follow me back to the Mojave.

Ulysses being a let down. Being forced to fight (or flee) Ulysses. I we fight, don't have him down down in two rifle hits, not make his attacks so overpoweringly strong that he can kill in two hits. If we're forced to battle don't make it a purely stand up battle. Not actually learn how I somehow wronged Ulysses. This is really bugging me after all this build up. Why do they hang this idea that the Courier wronged this person without at least telling us how.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:08 am

Lag and freezes. :sadvaultboy:

Oh, and scorpions. I think we've had enough of those.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:09 pm

Lag and freezes. :sadvaultboy:

Oh, and scorpions. I think we've had enough of those.

Definitely. Actually, let's generalize that.

I don't want to see a remake or an upgrade of any existing foe. Give us something new, like you did with holograms.
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k a t e
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:49 pm

Light armor, light armor perks, and over powered cowboy and WW2 era guns. We have enough of that crap.

Strange how New Vegas has been out for nine months now and some people still haven't quite grasped the motif of the game.

Edit: And please tell me people are trying to be humorous when they say they want their companions to walk the Lonesome Road with them.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:16 am

i dont want to be "trapped" and i would like to bring my companions.

I don't know about being trapped, but it was stated in OWB that the Lonesome Road was a road that the carrier had to walk alone.

As for what I don't want to see in LR; I don't want to see any BoS, Enclave, Legion or NCR. (Except maybe the wreckage of their charred remains).
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Emily Rose
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:02 am

I don't want to see any power armor.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:42 pm

People who think Power armor is over powerd.
Its not!
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:45 am

No power armor. Just alot of good dialogue and maybe a new weapon here and there
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:00 pm

No power armor. Just alot of good dialogue and maybe a new weapon here and there

Wait,you don't want good dialouge and new weapons?

Lol,look at the thread title and then look at your response!
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Avril Louise
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:56 am

Wait,you don't want good dialouge and new weapons?

I do want some decent weapons and dialogue.
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louise tagg
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:12 am

Start a new game and take the Logan's Loophole trait.
Didn't people already say that in your topic?

logans loophole is not an option cause it removes addiction which already has a perk for that and also increases chem duration which there is also a perk for. i really wish they had just left it at maxing out level 30 and maybe getting to pick 2 bonus perks or something. to me addiction is a core part of the game. someone posted a console command that i just used but that still doesnt help console users.

i tried making a character with only 8 intelligence (i usually use 9 or 10) and i didnt take the perk that grants you 2 extra skill points and i just levelled him up with the console to see what happens. even with gimping myself and not having any magazines i was still able to max out guns, energy weapons, lockpick, science, repair, medicine and speech. those are the key skills in the game. i was also able to get in the 80s and 90s in everything else except for barter which i always leave as low as possible for obvious reasons. all that by level 43 and i still have 7 more levels to go. i just used the console command so im fine myself but as i said this isnt an option for console users.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:33 am

logans loophole is not an option cause it removes addiction which already has a perk for that and also increases chem duration which there is also a perk for. i really wish they had just left it at maxing out level 30 and maybe getting to pick 2 bonus perks or something. to me addiction is a core part of the game. someone posted a console command that i just used but that still doesnt help console users.

i tried making a character with only 8 intelligence (i usually use 9 or 10) and i didnt take the perk that grants you 2 extra skill points and i just levelled him up with the console to see what happens. even with gimping myself and not having any magazines i was still able to max out guns, energy weapons, lockpick, science, repair, medicine and speech. those are the key skills in the game. i was also able to get in the 80s and 90s in everything else except for barter which i always leave as low as possible for obvious reasons. all that by level 43 and i still have 7 more levels to go. i just used the console command so im fine myself but as i said this isnt an option for console users.

Addiction is a core part of the game, as are the perks that abate and/or increase the potency of chems. Also, you do, in a way, get to pick 2 bonus perks, since you get two perks with that trait, leaving two spots for other things (granted, the chem addiction perk is somewhat useless given the ease with which one can cure addiction). Seriously, though, this is kind of absurd to complain about. They offered a valid alternative for gamers who don't want to become demi-gods and now you are now complaining that their solution did not cater specifically to you. Finally, I hardly think 8 INT qualifies as "gimping" yourself.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:21 pm

No more nukes, no more nukes... oh, wait, wrong topic. Erhm...

No more animal guns: had enough of K9000 (no matter how awesome I think it is).

No more energy weapons that lose effeciency after 10 shots or so.

No more moon lighting during the night, especially without a moon (ever noticed how FO3 nights were truly dark?).

No more schematics for mere aid items, we got plenty of them by now.

No more weapons that make disappointing sounds (Proton Axe hits come to mind as they dont make fleshy hit sounds on fleshy victims).

No "eternity" of dialoges that one MUST follow.

No more bugs (lolz, just had to add it).

No more armors that are too heavy compared to their protection. And definately dont talk like a small child.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:46 am

logans loophole is not an option cause it removes addiction which already has a perk for that and also increases chem duration which there is also a perk for. i really wish they had just left it at maxing out level 30 and maybe getting to pick 2 bonus perks or something. to me addiction is a core part of the game. someone posted a console command that i just used but that still doesnt help console users.

i tried making a character with only 8 intelligence (i usually use 9 or 10) and i didnt take the perk that grants you 2 extra skill points and i just levelled him up with the console to see what happens. even with gimping myself and not having any magazines i was still able to max out guns, energy weapons, lockpick, science, repair, medicine and speech. those are the key skills in the game. i was also able to get in the 80s and 90s in everything else except for barter which i always leave as low as possible for obvious reasons. all that by level 43 and i still have 7 more levels to go. i just used the console command so im fine myself but as i said this isnt an option for console users.

Dude, if you don't like Logan's Loophole then that's it.
You'd would still complain if the DLCs didn't give 5 extra levels.
I mean LL keeps you at the base game's level right, so it's like they don't increase the level cap right? Well except that it prevents addiction. So you'd still level up the same, you can still max skills by level 30.
So you'll just have to quit yer moaning and deal with it man!
Apologies if this explanation ins't clear! :blush:
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:59 pm

Addiction is a core part of the game, as are the perks that abate and/or increase the potency of chems. Also, you do, in a way, get to pick 2 bonus perks, since you get two perks with that trait, leaving two spots for other things (granted, the chem addiction perk is somewhat useless given the ease with which one can cure addiction). Seriously, though, this is kind of absurd to complain about. They offered a valid alternative for gamers who don't want to become demi-gods and now you are now complaining that their solution did not cater specifically to you. Finally, I hardly think 8 INT qualifies as "gimping" yourself.

i specifically never choose the perks that abated chem addiction for a reason. i want chem addiction in my game. i have no problem with having a perk that negates it but i just didnt want it part of logans loophole. as i said this isnt an issue for me anymore since i can just use a console command but console users do not have any options other than picking logans loophole. thats it thats there only option. they clearly screwed up when they kept adding levels and they tried to throw a quick fix in at the last second. why do you think they changed getting perks at every level vs perks every other level from fallout 3 to fallout NV. you are not supposed to be demigods by design......period.

i am gonna complain because i paid for the damn thing and i think it was stupid game design. accordingly people like you who tell other people not to complain about stuff are clearly ignorant of what these forums are for. they are for feedback. and not all feedback is full of sunshines and rainbows. should everyone have kept silent about the gamebreaking bugs and just hope that obsidian figures them out. how is anything going to get done that way?

the fan persons on these forums whos knee jerk reaction to every criticism in the game is to cover their eyes and ears and deny anything is wrong are not helping the situation. in fact im willing to bet that if i checked peoples past posts i can find plenty of complaints about issues with games and you know what that would make them.........hypocrites.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:10 am

I don't want more Barren Desserts... o and deserts.
I don't not want a Survivalist Crossbow
I don't want vehicles
I don't want Ulysses to like men
I don't want to find out Ulysses was once your wife and then she got a six change after your divorce
I don't want to have to kill Ulysses
I don't want to be disappointed

Now for what i do want

I want a Survivalist Crossbow
I want good info on the couriers past
I want to have the choice of killing Ulysses or not
I want six
I want a Companion you can take to the Mojave (Ulysses preferably)
I want another WW2 weapon (MP40 or STG44 or PP-SH)
I want Serious Dialogue
I want a creepy atmosphere
I want a Lonely journey through highly destroyed locations.
I want more effects on the Mojave. (Even a few dialogue lines of people saying stuff about the Battle at the Divide)
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Red Sauce
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:31 pm

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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:27 am

I don't want more Barren Desserts... o and deserts.
I don't not want a Survivalist Crossbow
I don't want vehicles
I don't want Ulysses to like men
I don't want to find out Ulysses was once your wife and then she got a six change after your divorce
I don't want to have to kill Ulysses
I don't want to be disappointed

Now for what i do want

I want a Survivalist Crossbow
I want good info on the couriers past
I want to have the choice of killing Ulysses or not
I want six
I want a Companion you can take to the Mojave (Ulysses preferably)
I want another WW2 weapon (MP40 or STG44 or PP-SH)
I want Serious Dialogue
I want a creepy atmosphere
I want a Lonely journey through highly destroyed locations.
I want more effects on the Mojave. (Even a few dialogue lines of people saying stuff about the Battle at the Divide)

DLC doesn't interact with main game, so there probably won't be any human souvenirs to take back to the Mojave.
I really want to explore extremely decrepit buildings too! But it has to feel like people have actually been there, not just old buildings.


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Marie Maillos
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:10 am


I hate the fact they used the Sink upgrades in OWB to be an excuse for a quest. I ended up revisiting every lab 3-6 times. It was an phenomenal amount of time to also get all of these upgrades because of all the loading.

Or the quest in OWB were only when you had to talk to the Scientist, what a waste of great potential.

All in all, I want real [censored] quest, not a 5 second half assed job. Characters, combat, and a story. Real. Quest. Noa

If you'd taken the time to explore those labs properly, you wouldn't have needed to go back to them at all.
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