Return of the Psijics!
Return of the Psijics!
Silence ingrate! A ban on magic does mean you can't learn all the same spells in secret. A campaign to legalize magic once again would make for an interesting story. Also any lore on the Dragonborn will be centered on that guy you see in the background here. All of our own characters mean absolutely nothing lore wise.
Alduin actually doing his job. You're the last Dragonborn: therefore, the TES world will stop soon.
It didn't take a Dragonborn to "stop" him the first time. It can be done again if he should come back.
But you need a Dragonborn to keep the dragons killed.
Anything can be done with an Elder Scroll. They are both Time and Space.
Something DIFFERENT needs to happen next time.
For instance:
Say there's a big blowout final fight between humans and elves, centered around the thalmor.
It's quite possible that the victor will be so exhausted that he'll be essentially just as weak as the vanquished.
If this does indeed happen - what will the various races of AKAVIR do????? That's a really, really big wild card, and it would be appropriate to play it for ES6.
No no no no, that isn't how it works. There were promotional people for the other games, but that doesn't mean Beth made them canon. The Dragonborn will fade to obscurity just like everybody else.
But this is derailing the thread. Landfall will signal the end of the 4th era and start of the 5th which will probably either mark the end of the series or a complete change in direction (because the 5th era is pretty damn cyberpunk-ish and weird, I tells ya).
Unless the Scroll decides not to blind you. Remember that Felldir used one and he wasn't blinded. The Dragonborn used them twice and yet he can still see :/
No, not really. The Akaviri have had nothing to do with Tamriel since the First Era.
From what I recall, you don't actually go blind instantly by just reading them. You do however lose your sight after reading the Scrolls over time which is what happens to the Moth Priests. COC could read them just fine without any blinding effects.
They did invade again in the mid second era under Ada-Soon Dir Kamal!
Only those involved in prophecies can't be blinded. Otherwise, one might as well make a failsafe device that destroy said scroll.
I dont think tes 6 will be in a new era. I think it will start a new era.
Correct, I believe. The scrolls do not make one go blind the instant they read them, only over time if you constantly read a scroll.
plus your player character can read them with out going blind, u just get dizzy.
Like Ghost said, those of prophecy cannot get blinded by it.
At work so not reading through the whole thread (sorry if it's already mentioned) but I sincerely hope Akavir plays some role in it. We've heard and read about them for ages, seen vestiges of their cultures and creations, but we haven't seen any true Akaviri yet. TES has plenty of mysterious races and cultures (case in point, the Dwemer up until very recently) and it's time to bring some of them forward into the light. I see Akavir as the perfect opportunity to introduce entirely new elements to the series! Even if it all takes place on Tamriel instead of Akavir proper, we could see Akaviri races, architectures, weapons, spells, factions, and cultures in general.
Perhaps it's time for another invasion? I mean Tamriel is currently divided between Empire and Dominion, perfect opportunity for a third party to attack.