With each era passing by, its seems as if they get shorter and shorter. With all the events happening during Skyrim's time frame, what big event do you think will lead to the start of the 5th era?
With each era passing by, its seems as if they get shorter and shorter. With all the events happening during Skyrim's time frame, what big event do you think will lead to the start of the 5th era?
The end of the Second Great War. Either a new stronger Empire will reign or the Dominion will. Either way a new age will dawn.
The result of a terrible, hard fought war, with the Thalmor defeated.
Hevnoraak rising and imprisoning Miraak with help of the Dovahkiin just for [censored] and giggles. Just my own personal take on how I should answer the question.
I'm in agreement; it'll likely occur after the final fall of the Thalmor, and a new lineage sitting upon the throne.
At the very least, it'll require a new dynasty. With exception of the first age, all subsequent ages occured after a warlord took control of the Empire and established a new dynasty, IIRC.
steampower, it's already there and the start of an industrial era
isn't it landfall? or is that something else, really don't keep up on some of the obscure lore. I'd say when the next great time of peace happens, and technology and sorcery can advance out of the dark ages that its stuck in.
So probably when they decide to reboot the series after another three games
Nope. As soon as steam engines and fire arms come into play the series is over.
As soon as it happens then it turns into another Fable game.
I mean flint lock pistols and such. Cannons were around long before.
The final collapse of the Empire and the establishment of the Aldmeri Dominion as the new ruling power, perhaps.
I would hope not but if that is what happens then so be it. Maybe then all the "for the Nords" types would shut up. As long as the Thalmor are no more it could work i guess.
My second coming.
Daar lein los dii!
My bet? Fall of the Thalmor due to some crazy mythical events in the next TES's MQ line.
Vahzah, Dovahhe fen rel Taazokaan mahfaeraak!
Nikriinne fen faas faal sonaanns
I'd hazard a guess of the new empire been founded by the dragonborns heirs after his death during the thalmor inquisition following on from the ancano situation an magic of all forms been banned especially Thu`um users with the dragonborn been the most prominent of users in all of tamriel or something like that
Hmm.. Magic being against the law. That would make for an interesting story.
Exactly. Leave that crap out of the game. Maybe steam powered dwemer stuff, but NO FIRE ARMS EVER.
Don't give Beth any ideas to cheapen magic even more, now.
And the Dragonborn can't have an heir, because not everybody's Dragonborn is a straight male or a woman of a race that heir would be described as and yada yada yada. Too complicated and too boring, imo.
Or the "Second Great War" idea, which is fine by me IMHO.