So, I'm shelving this game until it gets some MAJOR fixes. Us console gamers get a $60 beta, and instead of fixing it, They give the baby PC gamers what they want by removing stupid **** like Auto aim? Screw that. If this game isn't fixed, I'm never buying another game from this company again, This is worse than Call of Duty by a longshot, At least that game is somewhat playable.
Anyway, What's everyone else playing? I'm going to rank up some more in Homefront and BFBC2
Crysis was on PC first, if they'd neglected the problems on the PC version, it would have caused a huge uproar in the PC community... Regardless, there is a lot of uproar with the PC community, because this game is vastly trimmed down, compared to the first game. Still, it's a good game.
The PC version still has some problems, and the X360 version also has problems for some people. Don't worry, they'll fix em.