To kick things off here's what I've been up to.
Playing a Redguard named Amy as I'd never tried the Redguards before despite playing Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion. Thought it'd be interesting to play her as a craftswoman, particularly pottery and carpentry who then sells on what she's made. Well that was the plan. I ended up on the island of Lokken and by the time I left I'd picked up a husband and a large quantity of weaponary and armour to sell. I branched out into trading more items and became an exceptional merchant, realising that there had to be more to life I joined the Imperial Cult, rapidly rising up its ranks and becoming a proficient healer, handy for curing the diseases of the beggars I'd encounter. It has made relations with the Tribunal temple a little frosty however. Visiting Mounhold was an awkward experience. The naked Bosmer didn't help matters. I did get my book back from him. Just wish he'd kept his clothes on.
Wulfren and I have a baby boy named Rinson as well, sure all he does is eat, crap and sleep but he makes the trips on the ship I bought more enjoyable. Travelling up the Bitter Coast on the way up to Solstheim and onto Lokken is a favourite, watching the whales and dolphins. If you get lucky theres a meteor shower to watch at night as well. Wulfren divides his time between his duty as Chieften of Lokken and spending time in our home in Suran. Lauranna his sister lives pretty much permenantly in Suran however.
I'm covering a lot of ground now, visiting a lot of towns, thinking that it may be time to learn how to make jewelry to sell. Would be able to carry a lot more on the ship that the limited space by comparrison for furniture.
How about everyone else?