What is everyone's problem?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:23 am

I have been paying skyrim since release and I have encountered very few bugs. What is everyone's problem calling it a broken game? I also love the game loads and I am not bothered.

I have yet to experience any serious bugs myself but as I am on the PS3 I licve in constant fear of reaching the maximum save file size and then having my data corrupt on me. Lots of people have had this happen and Im sure youre aware of the backwards dragon phenomenon occurring after the recent patch.

Fortunately not everyone has been affected yet. I have had some minor issues with textures not loading, slowdown in certain areas, people/creatures/objects floating and falling into white space when near certain walls but nothing major. The game is still enjoyable to me though I can certainly see how some would consider it broken if their problems are as serious as the claims.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:51 am

I have been paying skyrim since release and I have encountered very few bugs. What is everyone's problem calling it a broken game? I also love the game loads and I am not bothered.

I lol'd.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:48 am

I'm getting tired of people complaining about people complaining! Stop!

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sam westover
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:07 pm

I love the game, even though I've encountered my fair share of bugs. Three of them were game-breaking, one did not even let me proceed with the main quest. The other one did not allow me to complete a lengthy quest I was really looking forward to finish and the last one prevented me from getting married in the game, although I must say the bug was frakking hilarious. (Wedding Crashers anyone?)

I fixed two of these by downloading mods and trying new alternatives in game, one remains broken and I don't think it can be fixed at the moment, so I will just let it be.

Skyrim is amazing. It is the first TES I've played, and I am in love with it.
Skyrim is also buggy as sh*t.

Same way I felt about Daggerfall. For some people the bugs don't just break a few quests, they make it impossible to play.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:53 pm

Its been almost unplayable for about 2 weeks..

I cannot complete the guild questlines, nor can i complete the quests that simpletons give me

I fought a dragon at an altar today and it decided to crash land half way up the cliff, so it was walking on air while falling down the cliff..
after i killed it i had to watch its body roll very clunky down the cliff hitting rocks and trees on the way down

Also, how is the thieves guild? its it fun?
i miss fun...

Did you tried re - installing it? I done it and it solved a lot. Might be just me but you never know until you try lol...
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:48 am

Exactly, since the FIRST patch I can't play without the 4GB Skyrim programme and I have a beast of a rig that can chew up any other game. Main quest was fine for me but the Thieves Guild is broken. I offlined Steam to avoid the latest patch that breaks the game even more.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:05 am

Gee, let me count the ways...

There was this time where a Companion's quest glitched out, depositing the NPC I'm supposed to rescue into a mysterious void underneath Skyrim, effectively preventing me from completing the quest and progressing any further with the companions. That's pretty broken.

There was another time where the Greybeards were about to give me a new shout, but the word never appeared. Thus the quest never finished, preventing me from progressing in the MAIN STORY LINE. Yeah that's pretty broken.

Then there was a time that a dragon crash landed on me and died on impact. I didn't attack, no one else was around to attack, so he committed suicide? That seems a bit broken.

How about the numerous instances where I approach someone who's supposed to give me a quest or provide dialogue for completing one, but instead of doing so just keep repeating the same line over and over again, without actually initiating the conversation that's supposed to take place? It's especially infuriating when the quest marker is hovering right over their ignorant head.

Ooo, or how about the followers that don't level up with me, resulting in useless pack mules that tend to die because I can't give them a simple order to hold back while I blast my enemies with fireballs? Maybe that doesn't count since I could ditch the magic, but damn they get in my way more than they help really.

Try googling (yes, that's a verb now) dragons flying backward. 'nuff said on that one.

How about my wife that NEVER sleeps? And I really mean it, she's supposed to sleep so I can get the "Lover's Comfort Bonus", but after watching her on several full 24 hour cycles I've determined that she must have a stash of coke somewhere cause the woman never gets tired of cooking and walking around the house. Thus, I can't get the bonus, rendering completing that mission a totally useless waste of time.

There's plenty more, but I think I've made my point. Luckily for me I've played previous Bethesda games and have known to save often, so most of these have been circumvented by reloading an old save and replaying the hour or so leading up to the glitch points, but that's something that shouldn't be necessary. I shouldn't know that I need to do these things because the game is broken. Had this been last week I would have cited the PS3 lag, but that's fixed, mostly, since it only happens after a 3 hour session now.

Sure, I enjoy these games, and try to ignore this stuff to the best of my ability, but some of these errors are just horrendous and can't be ignored. Lots of us probably sound like all we do is complain, but frankly if the game works right I have no reason to come on here. I come and complain so that Bethesda can see what's wrong, and hopefully remedy the problems, because I genuinely want this game to play better. If we don't complain, how will they know?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:15 am

Yes, if we just ignore the fecal matter on our meals, its delicious.
What, remove the dung? How dare you insult that meal! Just ignore it!

(for those who dont know what a metaphor is, replace 'fecal matter' and 'dung' with 'bugs' and 'meal' with 'game')
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:08 am

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've seen very few bugs other than those introduced by this recent patch. And of those, I've only experienced the resistances bug so I personally don't think the game is broken at all. Though I've seen on these forums that many others are having troubles.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:50 am

It's not broken, I vote Game of the Year.

The gliches I'm experiencing is mostly home/house related,
sure they are a little annoying but this dosen't ruin the game for me.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:18 pm

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've seen very few bugs other than those introduced by this recent patch. And of those, I've only experienced the resistances bug so I personally don't think the game is broken at all. Though I've seen on these forums that many others are having troubles.

You probably don't understand resistance mechanics well enough or had none in the first place.
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Ellie English
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:31 pm

BigWoop, sometimes things don't spawn and a reload will help that. Sometimes it doesn't though as I have a man laying dead in the air where there's supposed to be a cart beneath him on multiple reloads. His shadow is perfectly on the ground though so the lighting worked. :D

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:51 am

My problem is Bethesda's tendency to decieve their customers.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:07 am

Yes, I'm unable to continue the MQ because no dialogue options appear with a couple of very important characters, I'd call that broken.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:47 am

Yes, I'm unable to continue the MQ because no dialogue options appear with a couple of very important characters, I'd call that broken.

Just ignore it, you hater!

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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:32 am

Pre-patch (1.2) I had 60hrs of game time with no issues aside from some very rare frame rate drops. Now with 10+ hrs after installing the patch, not a single thing that I can think of that seems remotely glitchy. I guess I'm one of the lucky PS3 users.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:49 am

Bugs, glitches, need to use commands make this game broken.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:51 am

It would be interesting to know how many people complaining of game breaking bugs have added mods.

I've had very minor problems. I think one time I ended up realoading when a quest didn't trigger properly but that's it. Frame rate has always been excellent. Then again, I refuse to add mods cranked out by people of uncertain abilities or knowledge about what is or is not safe to do without breaking the game or any subsequent version.

Daggerfall did indeed have serious bugs. The worst was falling through the world. It was always cause for celebration when I could use an elevator without falling through it. The solution for me was to learn levitation.

I remember one time in Daggerfall Castle there was a complicated puzzle which to do it normally would require a great deal of running around to figure it out. Levers operating gates in various places requirnig running around to check what lever operated what gate and the order you did the levers was critical. I just ran around until I fell through the world and then levitated on top of the whole thing. I could see everything from one spot and quickly had it figured out.

I haven't had to do anything like that in any subsequent TES game.

It's just a matter of using what you're given.

P.S. Someone mentioned they were playing on Expert because they liked a challange. I found it plenty challenging on Adept until I got extremely good at Smithing, plus found something which increased armor/weapon quality even more. To get the same challange I used to have on adept I've had to switch to expert now that I'm using epic weapons and armor. In this game challange is all about how much you've abused the crafting system.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:43 am

I have been playing since release on 360, and the only bug I encountered was getting stuck inside a rock once. That, and of course getting thrown into the sky by giants.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:26 pm

I think my game is brokded from the way i played in the beginning..

i ran around all of skyrim , clearing dungeons and picking up items i only realized later were quest items
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Jennifer May
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:20 pm

I have been paying skyrim since release and I have encountered very few bugs. What is everyone's problem calling it a broken game? I also love the game loads and I am not bothered.

I lol'd.

I lol'd at your lol'd.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:40 am

True fans of TES will endure a few minor bugs. If you can't play the game at all, then my sympathies, and try to be patient; I'm sure they're working around the clock.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:30 pm

I love the game and I can forgive some bugs, but playing on Master the Magic Resistance issue is driving me a little nuts.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:01 pm

BigWoop, sometimes things don't spawn and a reload will help that. Sometimes it doesn't though as I have a man laying dead in the air where there's supposed to be a cart beneath him on multiple reloads. His shadow is perfectly on the ground though so the lighting worked. :D


Yea, 90% of the time that does work. Most recently I couldn't progress with the Imperial quest line because Legate Rikke just wouldn't talk. Reloaded, and we're good to go. The problem is sometimes these glitches occur and I don't realize it right away, since I have about 30 quests at any time. Thus, I didn't realize the companions was bugged until about 10 hours of gameplay later, and so I've gone nowhere with them and can't unless I restart my whole game. Things like that are infuriating, since it means to avoid these things I basically have to do a quest as soon as it's assigned, or simply accept the consequences later if it's bugged and I don't realize it until it's too late.

To the OP - All I was really getting at is that I don't think most people are here just to bash the game (trolls are usually obvious) - just most of us are having such a good time that when [censored] goes wrong it's far more annoying, because we care that our good time is ruined. If it was a horrible game, like Cursed Crusade for instance, we wouldn't bother complaining or continuing to play, we'd just return the stupid thing.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:27 am

Just ignore it, you hater!

For the most part I do ignore the main quest as I prefer my own role play, but this particular part of the main quest is needed by my character, I'd explain more but it's a major spoiler!
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