» Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:05 am
Gee, let me count the ways...
There was this time where a Companion's quest glitched out, depositing the NPC I'm supposed to rescue into a mysterious void underneath Skyrim, effectively preventing me from completing the quest and progressing any further with the companions. That's pretty broken.
There was another time where the Greybeards were about to give me a new shout, but the word never appeared. Thus the quest never finished, preventing me from progressing in the MAIN STORY LINE. Yeah that's pretty broken.
Then there was a time that a dragon crash landed on me and died on impact. I didn't attack, no one else was around to attack, so he committed suicide? That seems a bit broken.
How about the numerous instances where I approach someone who's supposed to give me a quest or provide dialogue for completing one, but instead of doing so just keep repeating the same line over and over again, without actually initiating the conversation that's supposed to take place? It's especially infuriating when the quest marker is hovering right over their ignorant head.
Ooo, or how about the followers that don't level up with me, resulting in useless pack mules that tend to die because I can't give them a simple order to hold back while I blast my enemies with fireballs? Maybe that doesn't count since I could ditch the magic, but damn they get in my way more than they help really.
Try googling (yes, that's a verb now) dragons flying backward. 'nuff said on that one.
How about my wife that NEVER sleeps? And I really mean it, she's supposed to sleep so I can get the "Lover's Comfort Bonus", but after watching her on several full 24 hour cycles I've determined that she must have a stash of coke somewhere cause the woman never gets tired of cooking and walking around the house. Thus, I can't get the bonus, rendering completing that mission a totally useless waste of time.
There's plenty more, but I think I've made my point. Luckily for me I've played previous Bethesda games and have known to save often, so most of these have been circumvented by reloading an old save and replaying the hour or so leading up to the glitch points, but that's something that shouldn't be necessary. I shouldn't know that I need to do these things because the game is broken. Had this been last week I would have cited the PS3 lag, but that's fixed, mostly, since it only happens after a 3 hour session now.
Sure, I enjoy these games, and try to ignore this stuff to the best of my ability, but some of these errors are just horrendous and can't be ignored. Lots of us probably sound like all we do is complain, but frankly if the game works right I have no reason to come on here. I come and complain so that Bethesda can see what's wrong, and hopefully remedy the problems, because I genuinely want this game to play better. If we don't complain, how will they know?