I have been paying skyrim since release and I have encountered very few bugs. What is everyone's problem calling it a broken game? I also love the game loads and I am not bothered.
Good to hear, I thought I was the luckiest guy who bought the game as I haven't experience much for bugs at all (on Xbox), and the ones I have are minor ( saw a dragon dive through the ground once, and the weapon displays/racks dont work in a few homes), Definitly no game breakers and I have 130 hours into my playthrough.
I'm sure there are some that have experienced some significant bugs but some others just like to over react and run their mouth. I don't know how many times i have seen people rant on here based on facts that are totally wrong. Like a few days ago some guy went on a rant about a bug in a quest and just laid into Bethesda and he was doing something wrong in the quest.