They are "civilized" people who ruin cultures and stuff.
Man's melting pot. As in, mix all human races and you got the Imperials.
When Nedes moved farther south in Cyrodiil, they were marked as Cyro-Nedes (or is it Nords?). Their Nedic culture were forgotten and they created their own culture, thus becoming the Imperial.
A breton came from when a Nede and an Aldmer mated with each other (In other words, a Nord and a Altmer got it on ).
Redguards came from the continent of Yokuda.
Nords came from the continent of Atmora.
All Elves, one way or another, all came from Aldmeris.
Argonians and Khajiit are naturally from Tamriel.
Always leave it to Garrus to be biased.
Anyway, we got the answer, we need a thread lock.
Nibenese people are Nedes with some Akaviri and Ayleid ancestry.
Colovians are descendants of Nordic settlers that mixed with the native Cyrodilic Nedes.
Also, Nedes are not descended from Atmorans. That is a falsehood which has been refuted by the developers.
I always hoped this was true. I like to think the myth that they are is just propaganda.
I believe you mean paragon of human evolution in Tamriel.