why does that piss people off? seems pretty fair to me.
The game ends with the player character being a god amoung men. You have conquered the threat to Tamriel and have risen to the top rank in many, if not all, of the available factions.
However, when confronted by two or more highwaymen you are quite likely to die. Level-scaling takes away any sense of accomplishment from your adventures and puts you on par with your basic town guard.
It leads to wierd scenerios where a handful of town guards are being completely overwhelmed by a few scamps and must rely on you to save them from these daedra beasts but as soon as you attempt to pick-pocket one of them you are slain before you can even get your hand out of your attackers pocket.
If level-scaling in Skyrim is as prevalent as it was in Oblivion I for one am going to let one of the random NPC's save the day since they are clearly just as adept at handling apocolyptic events as I am. They just like to whine more.