But often they wouldn't add a whole lot though. That said, I didn't like SI that much. But I tihnk tribunal added quite a few variations of areas, sewers, large city, the clockwork thing.. I see where you're coming from, but I don't see a reason to add 10 different places if oyu olny spend 2 hours in each. Each to his own, but I prefer a large expansion with a larger story and additions
yeah tribunal was pretty good, its jus been forever since i played it tho. but yeah im not sayin have 10 different places and 2 hours at each place, im jus sayin they should expand on the visuals a bit. lik look at point lookout, its all swamp (which is cool) but they couldve expanded on it with say an underground cavern to add more variety to exploration.
on side note im really excited about skyrim since it sounds lik the landscape will be vary diverse compared to oblivion
-edit- plus those of u that are sayin dlc is not good, go look at borderlands dlc. Borderlands has the best dlc quality on the market for the price.