So what exploits do you expect? Infinite caps? The ability to make a fat man silenced and fully automatic? Overlapping power armor pieces to make a monstrosity of clipping armor parts and death? Discuss!
Character AI ones again of the type where if its a 'Choose A or B' style quest we'll be able to actually get the reward for both - Replicated Man quest from F3 spring to mind where you could turn Harkness but still get both rewards.
The one in every Beth game - rest/wait an hour, full heal. (Which I don't use. I Wait when I want/need time to pass ) know, I'm not sure I've ever deliberately used any of them. Can't even think of any beyond Wait in the previous games, so I'd have to look them up.
(I do periodically use a console command, generally when interacting with mod content - summoning a piece of equipment when that's the only way to get it, tgm/kill/tcl out of a bad/annoying situation, tgm to get infinite carrying capacity so I could carry the 1000+lbs of crafting materials from Breezehome to the forge next door... )
Well we had the one where we could make iron daggers and max out our Smithing skill. Maybe we can craft a little cap-gun over and over again and level up super fast.
Maybe we can lay a garbage can lid on top of a landmine and then jump on it to be blasted into the air unharmed ... until you land.
Maybe you can 'befriend' a raider after you've shot off both his arms and he follows you around arm-less the rest of the game.
Using Notes as steps
I will be experimenting with Console Commands.
I also eagerly await the Forum Posts of Headless Players due to abusing Console Commands "My character has no head on Their shoulders, it just follows behind Them like a soccerball".
Any exploit that was related to getting more than the unintended reward/outcome for a quest. For example, getting the unique plasma rifle from Harkens, but turning him over to Zimmerman. In FNV, I waited to do some key quests for the NCR and Legion and I was able to become friendly with both sides well into the game.
I did use Oghma Infinium Glitch twice but it wasn't fun after a while.
I just want the console command "tcl" to toggle collision, to get me past those narrow doors with my follower blocking the way.
Works on the occasional "stuck in the geometry" too.
Oh yes - "moveto player" to retrieve that lost follower, or maybe "player.moveto", to see where the blighter wandered off to.
Mostly, just don't block our access to console commands. They are useful in too many ways.
I love the glitches in Beth games. My favorite is the Operation Anchorage equipment glitch, though I like the Dead Money casual clothing glitch, too.
I'm still not convinced that they are left in accidentally. Some are, I guess (Mantis leg glitch), but others just seem like playful developer antics. Why else would that Gary have been there?
All games have those really. Look at the Dead Money one from NV. You can walk out with all 37 gold bars and sell for 250k caps. The Pitt one was annoying where you fall through the roof but that just required a reboot for me
Hahaha it's pretty awesome. I just set mines at the bottom of the stairs and killed him when he opened the forcefield and walk out. The blast, knocked me into the room as the forcefield opened.
I don't think the scroll duplication glitch from Oblivion will ever be topped. So many watermelons...
Oh yeah, that was a good one. Wasn't there one with the enchanting altars, too?
I expect few glitches and a console where cheaters can cheat at their whim. Cheating is boring though. Even save and reload.
The C-4 from the police station was great for that, too. Just push against the force field, fall in when he exits, kill him at your leisure, waltz away with the gold and all that precious pre-war money.
Then, get bored in the wasteland because you own everything.