Please note that you could be working with Yes Man, but your true allegience is with the Kings, for example.
The last poll results, NCR won with the Brotherhood of Steel at a very close second - 23 to 20 votes.
The Followers came in third, followed very closely by Mr. House - 15 to 14 votes
Legion came in 5th place, followed by Nobody, and then followed by Remnants of the Enclave.
You should've started another poll. Considering that the NCR was one of the main factions, the BoS won as far Im concerned. The poll result would've been different if the roles were reversed I think. You could only choose not to whipe out the BoS if you're with the NCR or Yes Man. The other factions require you to kill them all.
Ignore this, I couldnt get the poll working
Edit: Oh. Whoops!