Resistance all the way!
Love any form of rebellion/revolution... okay, not any, but most

I know that the Founders of the Ark, and the security are only doing there job and stuff, but no matter what, the fact still remains the resistance is still living and dying in crap. To me, they have a better cause for fighting for.
What I do love about this game though is that it doesn't make an obvious good/evil divide, which most games do. It really relies down to your own experiences and ideals. Which is just so great to see these days. Like I don't see the security as bad guys either, they all probably have families to feed too, just getting paid to do their job, hearing the same propaganda that the resistance will be hearing too.
I just really hope the campaign doesn't end up revealing that one side is in fact good or evil, will totally kill it for me.
Unless its the very cliché 'our leaders are all evil, lets team up and destroy them!'
I love clichés.