Hey guys and gals just a quick one, what framerate would be acceptable as the lowest but playable?
I have many mods acctivated on the game.
One major one Seasons of skyrim summer ed.
Hey guys and gals just a quick one, what framerate would be acceptable as the lowest but playable?
I have many mods acctivated on the game.
One major one Seasons of skyrim summer ed.
15-20 It's usually what I get around Riften especially with a lighting mod I use, while having all the draw distance set to max, and it runs very smooth, even with several bandits attacking with spells going all over the place.
The few times I've bothered to check, my frame rates were anywhere from 15 - 30, depending where I was and what was going on. But I really don't know how typical that is, as I don't pay any attention to frame rates.
Heh, me neither, I had to turn on Fraps to see, as long as the game is not choppy I'm happy.