I've only watched someone else play Skyrim but skeevers look a lot better than the New Vegas giant rats whose fur looked like some kinda weird 80s punk band hairstyle. If they popped in their models into Fallout 4, I wouldn't mind.
I've only watched someone else play Skyrim but skeevers look a lot better than the New Vegas giant rats whose fur looked like some kinda weird 80s punk band hairstyle. If they popped in their models into Fallout 4, I wouldn't mind.
They would have to remove the guns then. There is a lot of resistance to the idea of adding even primitive muzzle loading flintlocks to TES on the Elder Scrolls side of the forums. I speak from personal experience having suggested adding flintlocks in the next TES game in a thread and it was not well received.
Horses were in All Roads comics. What makes you think they're extinct?
Cannons are present in Tamriel, it's Lore, seen in Redguard and mentioned in Daggerfall's 'Jokes' book. Unfortunately for magic in Fallout, magic in TES is possible because Magnus was not present at Convention and so magic is not limited as it would be if he had become one of the Bones of the Earth, and the Fallout sun and stars are another dimension's version of our fusion bombs in the sky, not holes ripped in Oblivion through which the light of Aetherius can shine. Your word of the day is 'verisimilitudinous'.
Not everyone is so shortsighted as to sacrifice a plethora of options that not only enhance long term survival, but offer the possibility of thriving, for a full belly for a week or two. With a horse you can migrate to somewhere with (hopefully) more food, and/or enjoy a major edge when it comes to keeping what you have, or taking it, from people who don't have horses themselves. It also makes commerce and other labor intensive tasks easier.
All of these reason are why the devs made horses extinct in lore.....because a people that retained their horses (or acquired them) would dominate those groups around them that didn't, and civilization would return. It also makes the PC too mobile and shrinks the map.
Lore is that horses went extinct because they couldn't vomit contaminated food or water....but really it's just an excuse for a design decision.
I was jesting of course. But I did mean what I said with it "not being a long jump". I could see the series' in their current state merged without much of a loss on either. A khajit with a flamethrower or the flames spell is not that different - for one example.
I plan on adding some spells...
Of course it will be more science, than mysticism. And only a companion will be able to use them.
I can't really think of any art assets from any TES game that would work. Maybe you could reskin the longbow from Skyrim, but then that's quite literally the only thing I think you could repurpose that way.
Even for museum artifacts, the swords in Skyrim are very obviously fantasy inspired, and would not pass as a real world sword. Same with Oblivion, Some of the assets from Morrowind do look like they could fit in as historical Western European stuff, but those are some -rough- models compared to what we have now.
If Fallout 4 has a wild wasteland style perk (or have them included in the game) I could see them reusing some assets for an skyrim Easter egg maybe the player can find a iron helmet and steel sword they can use as either junk/elite equipment
Apart from that the only other thing in could see them including is bow/crossbow but like a few people have mentioned should be made out of scrap but I also think futurist design like the bow in far cry blood dragon might alsonwork (it would have easily fitted in OWB).
likewise with the new crafting system perhaps we could make one or perhaps make something like this: http://www.seanbyers.com/Mule_1.jpg
Argonians, Khajiit,Elves,Orcs, and Magic! On a more serious note, Horses and giant spiders.
I was hoping for Dual Wielding to tell you the truth. Doesn't seem like it's happening.
The most I want is a bow, and or crossbow.
Far as medieval weapons you might pick your lance up and ride down the hill with your horse, because fallout more of the gun world and technology, i think medieval stuff would only fit for its other fan based game TES. Some melee weapons i have seen in customization are as far as swords are going to go.