Yeah, I'm hoping that doesn't happen to me. Stopped playing before because I just didn't have the time...
Yeah, I'm hoping that doesn't happen to me. Stopped playing before because I just didn't have the time...
Minecraft and Bioshock Infinite.
Though, I may ditch Infinite and play the original again. The first time I played it, I used the wrench for the entire game. Taking out a Big Daddy with a plumber's wrench is just exhilirating and rewarding because they can mess you up real quick.
Thought I'd relive Fallout 3 until 4 arrives to take its place.
Rome total war 1 and Halo 5. Can always count on good 'ol rtw to pass the time.
we already have a long running "what game are you playing" thread:
I was looking at picking this game up at some point, probably when Dark Arisen comes out for PC. How do you like it???
The missus always gets attacked by Montezuma as well.. pisses her off no end!
With me, it's Gandhi.. he's always going on about peace here, peace there.. until whammo!.. and I get totally blitzed by his cruise missiles while somehow I'm still dikeing around with steam engines and blimps
...the evil, soft spoken, bald headed, blanket wearing, four eyed pip-squeak.
on topic: also playing some civ4 atm
Currently, I'm playing Fallout NV. Just struggling waiting for Fallout 4 at the moment.
Skyrim now.
... I had hoped FONV would last me until release day...
Went through 3 + all DLC's, NV + all DLC's, now just putting a good sized chunk into Skyrim
Pffft. NV is an Obsidian game. And I'm playing anything but Bethesda, it just makes me more impatient for FO4.
Eso as well. Tried F3 and FNV, but they just were not doing it, and didn't want to over expose myself to the waste land. Want to be fresh out of the vault so to speak with F4!
I would be playing FO3 but i cannot deal with no iron sights
Just finishing Wolfenstein, once i figure out how to beat DeathShead in the final battle, then a quick catch up on unplayed PS3 games starting with Far Cry 2
im playing WoW while i wait, if i open Fallout 3 or NV i will go crazy bc of the wait. 1 more week =P. Good lord next week i have 2 days that i will be watching Blizzcon that will keep me busy for 2 days.
Technically not a Bethesda game, but I'm playing ESO.