Go hard or go home.
I'm going Very Hard.
Depends on if it turns enemies into bullet sponges. Someone said that they stopped using "survivor" mode because ghouls would take 20 headshots with a shotgun. Even if he was exaggerating it should only take one or two at the most. Ultimately I always end up modding my games so that both myself and my enemies (exceptions with super enemies like deathclaws and stuff) die in only one or two hits. I like my combat frantic and lethal and I want most things including my character to die quickly. I HAAAAATE bullet sponges with a passion.
I will start with the one below surivivor whatever it may be called and see how that goes.
I always play games on normal, except for a few exceptions where normal is too easy then I might go up one. I Never play on easiest and never play on hardest. I guess I just like a balanced, moderate challenge in games, haha.
Normal because raising the diff. just makes the enemies into bullet sponges (unless they've changed this, correct me if I'm wrong). Will wait for mods to make the game difficult in a more fun way.
Bullet sponge enemies don't do it for me. I will play on Normal mode.
Very Medium.
I never mess with the difficulty settings. I just play whatever the default is set to.
Survival, then I'll drop it down if it's just way too tough. Starting easier and raising it feels somehow less satisfying, like I cheated at the beginning of the game & am only now playing it for real. Much better the other way, if need be.
Default. Bullets sponges enemies are not harder, just more tedious.
Eventually we will get mods that changes AI, improves stealth detection, search radius, and combat. I have that in Skyrim on Normal mode and it works very well.
The first Death Claw was a super bullet sponge on Very Hard. Don't know how I feel about this... the damage that I received from other combats as well was very high in general.
starting out at the very easy setting. my first outing is a trail run. there are changes to the interphase. and the graphics are different. once i get used to the game, i will up the anti.
I normally start on Normal and see how it goes.
Survival -for the loot mainly. After all, I can cope with the slower health regen and the "inconvenience" of having to use cover, instead of eating bullets in the face