A top tier PC? Sure. A PC that'll max out almost every video game in existence, certainly including skyrim? Try closer to $600.
And you live in Norway, do you? In either case, it doesn't matter what it costs if I don't have the money for it.
@ irishboy: No, it's not worth it. Graphics is really the only thing that is improved for the PC, if we look at the game itself and not the modding etc (which aren't necessarily that useful and is something that mostly geeks are interested in). So if you're just generally looking to buy the game but isn't gonna invest all your focus in that one game, then don't bother getting a PC. Unless, of course, you'd like to have a PC for other things as well, such as internet, microsoft office, designing and (as mentioned) modding.
But purely game-wise? Just get a console. Judging from the Gameplay trailer (which was played on 360, seemingly) and from other upcoming games like Rage and whatnot, the XBOX 360 provides you with some pretty insane graphics.