No, the stormcloaks are a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, beer drinking, racist, homophobes who stink of Nord stink and who need to be stomped by a Nord dragonborn and sent to Hammerfell as slaves. Sure, a few of of them might have outstanding qualities, but their whole organization is based on intolerance and a sense of entitlement. The Altmer Dominion asks only for a little cooperation.
1500 and a chance to do the right thing. My Nord is an evil alchemy poisoner, what do you expect?
The Stormcloaks are not founded on racism. They're founded on wanting Skyrim to have a High King that has more control than the Emperor, so that the country can prosper. They also want to be free to worship as they please, and to be able to have their own laws. Under the Thalmor's tyrannical rule, that isn't possible. Instead, they get dragged out of their homes, murdered, tortured, or WORSE for worshiping their oldest god, the founder of the Empire, or for supporting freedom for Skyrim.
Saying they're all uneducated, beer drinking, racist, homophobes is more ignorant than anything they can do, and shows your own colors. While I favor the Empire first, the Stormcloaks have entirely reasonable demands, that SHOULD be allowed to pass, if not for the Thalmor occupation that would spell Skyrim's end if the Stormcloaks won and Skyrim became free from the Empire, and the White-Gold Concordant. Skyrim, and the Stormcloaks, need to stand by the Empire and bide their time until they can strike, and toss the Thalmor back to the pisshole of a dump they call home.