I started the game up and was confused with what I had to do, I thought I was playing some puzzle game as it was so vage as to what I had to do. I spent about 3 hours trying select the correct race as it seemed that no matter what race I chose the unfriendly fella across the corridor would always insult my appearance, and / or my racial nature. I even tried being a dark elf to satisfy him but it seemed as though he was insulting my mother and wife, I tried all the races and genders but he was still insulting towards me and, due to my timid nature, I kept on restarting the game in the mindset that this guy was going to come in and beat the hell out of me, hell in the cell style. Eventually I grew some nuts and chose to play as a redguard as I was feeling kinda gan$ta and thought even if he did enter my cell I would have the better of him. My instincts were correct and he refused to enter my cell. However a couple of bad boys did enter my cell and some Star Trek geezer started talking to me, I didn't care much for what he had to say and so I quickly skipped through all of the dialogue and was on my way out of the cell for the first time in 3 and a half hours.
Ok so to cut a long story short I wasn't sure what was going on, all I know is some woman got killed by a few renegades in scary demon armor which quickly turned into some camp pink robes, lets just say I wasn't impressed. I was unsure as to whether or not I should continue playing this game but I soldiered on and sooner rather than later I was killing the biggest rats seen on a game since Runescape, which is a favourite game of mine. Then I encountered a door....
This door, labeled very easy, took me all of my lock picks to even understand what I was supposed to do, with no lock picks I had but one last choice, suicide. However I searched a nearby corpse and found a key which enabled me to precede. After more fighting and countless restarts I managed to get to the part where the Star Trek geezer gets one hitted. I, with no idea of the plot, didn't know what to do and thought I had lost the game, however I was confronted by a fellow redguard who gave me a choice of class, obviously I picked the monk. He gave me a key and told me to take the ring, or something like that, to Jeffrey in Weynon Priory. Once I had left the sewers I was asked whether to change class, race etc. I took the opportunity to change race, as there was now no threat of racial abuse, and now found myself as a Dinosaur Monk. This was a major fault of the game I thought that every time I went through a door I would be given the option to change race, how wrong I was.
My time as a Dinosaur Lizard Monk was not good, I quickly dipped my toes in the water to find one of the hardest monsters imaginable, an ownage slaughter fish! This thing would not die as I could not cast my fireball underwater!!! If I'm a Dinosaur Lizard Reptile Monk I have every right to cast fireballs under water. I tried and tried to kill the fish and after 15 failed attempts I gave up and went in search of Jeffrey. I couldn't work out the compass at the bottom of the screen for love nor money and was subsequently killed by invisible wolves, imps and mud crabs trying to get to the priory. This went on for some time but eventually I made my way to what I thought was the correct destination. However the next thing I knew I was fighting for the blue team against the yellow team in search of Jeffrey. I had no chance against these pit bulls as they were hardened veterans and the arena master's insults only further dented my confidence. I gave up trying to beat this fighter and so decided to wait for my friend to play co-op with him. However I was disapointed when I found out this was a single player only game, single player only... in this day and age!
I later left the arena certain that this was the wrong location and so continued my journey out of the citadel place to find myself near a very long and high bridge, I was inspired by the sight of this bridge and decided to traverse over it. At the end of the bridge I was confronted by a seemingly harmless gentleman who asked for my money, knowing that as a monk I could not take on this gentleman I decided to agree to this deal and hand over the cash. I gave him all I had but feeling hard done by I smacked him in the back of the head with my fists in an attempt to render the gentleman unconcious and take the coins back, as well as a little extra. However this sparked a mass brawl with the result being me jumping off the bridge to safety.
The water was not as dangerous as before and I safely got to land. With no money or weapons I was furious with the game for cheating me and so I decided to pick as many plants as possible to make some cash back, this proved a bad idea as after a short time picking leaves I was over encomberedered or something like that.... this was the final straw and the point at which I decided to stop playing this disapointing game.
As you can see this game is completely broken and unbalanced and I will happily reply to any of your comments whilst I stop playing this game and move on to a much better prospect, TWO WORLDS!!!!! and some Runescape!