What is going to be your starting SPECIAL (stats) and Why?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:23 am

Game is out Nov 10th, so close!

What is going to be your starting stat allocations and what is your reasoning? You have 21 points to spend.

Perk chart: http://orcz.com/Fallout_4:_Perk_Chart

I havn't even looked yet, I am giddy :D


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Symone Velez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:43 pm

S3 P4 E3 C3 I7 A5 L3

My main character is usually based off of my own strengths.

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Epul Kedah
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:22 am

I'll probably do S2 P4 E4 C4 I7 A3 L2, or there abouts.

I plan on doing a bit more with Charisma in this game with the hope it's not going to be wasted. I'm hoping we'll get more "talk our way out of it" type situations which isn't bound to an RNG system like FO3 was (always bugged me 100 + C7 = failure).

I don't carry many things, so S stays low (plus, as a female character, it makes more sense).

All she needs is a terrible shotgun and she's all set. B)

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:13 pm

S - 3: don't really need the perks not base effects of Strength (especially since some other perks I plan to get increase carry weight)

P - 4: I don't really plan to use VATS, but I want the perks

E - 4: mostly to decrease my frequency of dying and so I don't need to fear the chems as much

C - 6: I like Charisma and Speech and the Perks are mighty fine

I - 5: nice perks and I hope it unlocks some stuff like it does in other Fallout games

A - 4: some perks I need but generally I think I might need stealth

L - 2: don't like perks or bonuses

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:31 pm


I'm going with a similar build to my NV character. Heavy on INT and CHA with secondary as AGI and PER for combat purposes. I wanted to specialize in crafting and interacting with NPCs because those are the two things I value and enjoy most.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:28 pm

S-3 i'll eventually raise this to 6 so i can get the strong back perk

P-5 i play a sniper/stealth and i'll eventualy raise this to 8 or 9

E-2 have to save points somewhere but i'll wear light armor and take 2 or 3 ranks of the toughness perk

C-2 another stat i ignore a bit

I-6 i like high intelligence for perks and leveling

A-5 i like a lot of agility perks and more points for VATS i''ll eventualy raise this to 9 or 10

L-5 i like high luck as well for the grim reaper perk, better criticals etc i'll eventually raise this to 9

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Kevin S
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:42 am

I looked at the perks and think I am going with:

S - 3:
P - 4:
E - 4:
C - 3:
I - 7:
A - 5:
L - 2:
Might swap 1 agility to get 1 more int for robots-- hmmmm
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:13 pm

S 4

P 3

E 6 Closer to cannibal perk

C 3

I 5 Obviously more EXP to raise my SPECIAL stats and perk layout

A 3

L 4

Besides E and I, none of these are done with a purpose really, more points in Int I get more EXP, so that helps out over all.

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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:37 pm

S 4

P 4

E 3

C 5

I 6

A 3

L 3

So I have all the crafting perks covered and I can get Hacking and Locksmith. Then I only need 1 point in CHA to get the Local Leader perk.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:00 pm

S2, P5, E4, C3, I7, A6, L1.

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Stacy Hope
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:36 pm

Mine is very similar to Akul's, with the exception of wanting or planning on stealth. It is based on the perks I want in the beginning:

S - 3: melee dmg, armor mods

P - 5: rifleman, locksmith, demo +25%

E - 5: DR +10%, +20% health, Aquaboy (there's going to be some swimming in harbor I'm guessing)

C - 6: (6.1) local leader, (6.2) build stores / workstations

I - 5: medic, hacker, scrapper (need screws, etc.)

A - 2: commando

L - 2: fortune finder, scrounger

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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:22 pm

S - 5

P - 3

E - 5

C - 3

A - 6

L - 2

A pretty balanced build, but then I'm basing this off of a RP brain and not so much a game mechanics brain. My interpretation of the sole survivor is him being a squad leader of some sort during the fighting in Alaska. He is able to lead men and think about how to solve things intelligently with a average to good degree of competency, but these skills have dulled ever since settling into that suburban life style. He has however kept himself physically fit and has retained his coordination and agility, its a dangerous world out there after all, and he might be called back into service. But then I don't think even he was expecting everything to come crashing down that fateful day in October.

When he emerges from the vault he will be ready to build society anew, and, uh, correct the mistakes of the past. That will be what separates my man Leon from my other characters, the civic-mindedness that may or may not turn into full blown extremism. His name comes from Lion and he will be without fear and always uncompromising in his goals. A perfect man to survive in the wastes. Its hard to know too much about what his looks and armoury will be, but a good and dependable bolt-action, a machine pistol to spew automatic fire downrange, a short double-barrel shotgun to use as a point-blank destroyer of the evil, and some heavy leather armour, that should make for some good gameplay.

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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:32 pm

Punching Dude

S - 9

P - 1

E - 9

C - 3

I - 2

A - 1

L - 3

AGI to be raised very shortly after starting to 6 for Moving Target and Action boy for more mobility and toughness.

END 9 at start for More Sprinting, Health, Adamantium Skeleton, and Cannibal. I plan on playing hardest difficulty so don't wanna die off the bat. I was on the fence of balancing this and AGI at the start but I want more HP out the gate and can slowly raise AGI instead.

STR starting at 9 gives Iron Fist and Rooted for big damage at the start, along with Bloody Mess at 3 LCK .

CHA at 3 and INT at 2 for Lone Wanderer and Medic.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:35 pm

It's good to see that some of you are giving Endurance some love. In other forums, people are down on E.

My build:

S - 3 (Strong Back just isn't as important now that we know the Lone Wanderer perk (under Charisma) gives you 100 carry weight. I'll at least get Armorer so I can mod armor)

P - 5 (I suspect the Awareness perk is more needed than we realize. I hate locked doors so I want Locksmith. Demolition Expert is all about grenades AND unlocks a Chemistry station so that you can craft explosives. BOOM.)

E - 5 (I'm not waiting. Aquaboy was underrated at first but now that we know 25% of the FO4 map is ocean and underwater I think this perk is necessary for exploration purposes. Underwater vault? Remember you heard it here first!)

C - 5 (Lady Killer is always useful and now combined with the Intimidation perk you can REALLY influence the ladies. Lone Wanderer perk--100 extra carry weight and 15% less damage to your character. 'NUFF SAID. Attack Dog for when I decide I want a canine companion. With a Charisma 5 I'm only 1 away from Local Leader.)

I - 4 (I considered lowering Intelligence and taking advantage of that Idiot Savant Luck perk instead, but I just couldn't pull the trigger because I can't see my Sole Survivor without the Hacker perk. Also: Gun Nut needed for modding guns.)

A - 5 (I loooove Agility this time around. Interestingly, after 100% of the perks were announced I ended up lowering Agility from a 7 to a 5. But I guarantee I will raise it to a 7 by Level 15 (I really want Ninja ASAP). Commando is essential as I intend to focus on assault rifles with my early build. Same goes for Sneak. Action Boy is absolutely crucial as far as I'm concerned.)

L - 1 (although Luck has improved for FO4 I still didn't add any points to it. But I can no longer call it a dump stat. I'll at least raise it to a 3 for Bloody Mess.)
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:42 am

10 int 10 charisma 4 perception.. talk my way out of all issues and be able to hack/lockpick/reprogram robots to escape trouble whenever possible. And maybe get a deathclaw ally someday if wasteland whisperer perk actually works on deathclaws.

Basically ill try to avoid trouble whenever possible but will still have the ability to "charm" enemies in combat to fight for me instead.
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Lily Something
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:16 am

Wait, what's the number you get from the start? Cause everyone's builds here are way over 21 points...

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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:42 pm


you get 21 points exactly.. remember though that all stats start at 1 for a total of 28 points (since you cant lower them below 1)

Also apparently i can read the future.. cus apparently i posted 1 minute before you.. lol
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:09 pm

I wonder how many threads like this are already out there?

Anyhoo, first character is definitely bucking all of my normal trends. Strength and Endurance 9.. and then probably Intelligence 6 (for quicker leveling), leaving all other attributes at 1. I wonder what I should name this intelligent bruiser?

Edit: Also, debating whether or not I should go all the way to 10 Strength and Endurance out of the gate (in case there's no 'free' way of increasing them from 9 with bobbleheads, etc).

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:11 pm

After the leak and some other info regarding gameplay mechanics (speech checks, the amount of water in the game, Bobbleheads, etc.), I've settled on:

S: 2 (3)

P: 4 (5)

E: 4 (5)

C: 5 (6)

I: 5 (6)

A: 6 (7)

L: 2 (3)

(After Bobblehead acquisition in parentheses.)

Gonna grab Locksmith & Hacker ASAP and bump my Agility up by one. I'll have access to plenty of great perks that I want early on, and then each time I grab a Bobblehead, I'll gain access to a new perk that I want (Armorer, Demolition Expert, Aquaboy, Local Leader, Science, Quick Hands, and Bloody Mess.) This avoids putting points into SPECIAL stats that have too many perks I don't care for, even if I want the higher level ones. It's an easy sacrifice to make to have a more broadly apt character.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:07 pm

I am thinking more

Strength: 3
Perception: 5
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 5
Luck: 1
Maybe change it more but not sure yet. Cmon Tuesday!
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:26 pm

I haven't really decided yet... but I'm looking at a Intelligence/Luck. Luck seems to have some actual use other than just increasing the amount of crits you do this time around.

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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:25 am


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Justin Bywater
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:50 pm

I'll be playing as Nora,

and I'm working on the basis that she has legal training, not an army background, so:

S -1: A lawyer not a fighter, so minimum strength.

P - 5: Lawyers are pretty perceptive, but if they were highly perceptive they wouldn't have chosen to be a lawyer, so mid range.

E - 3: Not an army type but lawyers do have thick skin, so that's worth at least a 3.

C - 6: Lawyers have to be convincing but they may not be so charismatic that they get invited to parties. Stop short of Party Girl.

I - 8: Lawyers are smart, so a high stat here.

A - 3: Agile enough to duck a thrown punch, but not that high.

L - 2: Being a lawyer is not so lucky, so bottom range for this one.

I think this is going to be a ton of fun seeing Mrs Litigator

develop into wasteland badass...


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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:42 pm

I'm not really role-playing or anything, as my character reflects my preferred playstyle regardless, but I like to imagine them as the ultimate rugged sniper-scout. There's no survival skill this time around, so that aspect of the concept is out the window...

S1 Don't care. There's no strength requirements this time around.

P9 My username should say enough, and (almost) every perk is incredibly useful.

E1 Don't ever plan on taking damage.

C2 Useful and easily accessible perks here, especially Lone Wanderer.

I3 Need Gun Nut, and Hacker is required to break into higher-level terminals.

A9 Every perk is perfect for efficient kills, and it might actually make melee worth using.

L1 Useful perks, but I don't care enough.

With the Bobbleheads, I min-max my character with incredible potency. Only issue that I might never have enough points for Better Criticals, which has an unconfirmed value for stealth atm.

I'm also left with 2 extra points, and they'll go into either Intelligence or Luck depending on whether or not laser weapons can be silenced, as I'll need Science! to modify energy weapons. If they can't be silenced, at least I'll get Mysterious Stranger and Bloody Mess, which are good to have on Agility/Stealth characters anyways.

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m Gardner
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:18 am

Better criticals does work with sneak attacks mate.
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