so in the end, this isn't the sequel we expected, but it is more of a corridor shooter. is that what we expected? no. is it properly worked out and is it fun to play? yes. definitely. although the game sometimes screams "OMG I'M CONSOLE", it is much more playable with a mouse and keyboard than it is with a controller. at least, that's my opinion.
then, graphics. the next frontier, lol. we expected the-most-awsum-looking-game-EVAR, and it isn't. that's a shame, yes, but it can really compare very well with Crysis 1 (without mods, lol), if you don't go searching for bad textures. the guns and arms are VERY nice looking, and the NPC's look very nice too. better than in Crysis 1 even.
and for mapdesign, they have improved a lot over Crysis 1. if you pay attention, you'll notice there isn't a conflict going on every second of the game. you fight in a "bubble", and then move on to the next; and in every bubble, there are a lot more places you can get to compared to Crysis 1. especially vertically. There are always latches and platforms you can climb onto to whatever you want. in Crysis 1 it wasn't that well set-up.
now, tell us what you think, but DON'T make this a troll-thread. i'm a PC-gamer, and i've been let down by Crysis 2, but if you look at it objectively, it's a proper game. i DON'T want to hear "OMFG IT svckS 'CAUSE WE DON'T HAVE DX11!!!" or something of the like. just look at the game as the game it is, not as what you wanted it to be.