what is GOOD about Crysis 2 PC? let's focus on that!

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:02 am

there are so much hate threads lately, and the game should indeed have been a lot different than what it is, but there a lot of good things if you are willing to see past the bugs (i didn't see any in SP, apart from floating guns/pathfinding issues). so let us give Crytek some things that they can be proud of, instead of just cutting them down because it isn't what we expected it to be.

so in the end, this isn't the sequel we expected, but it is more of a corridor shooter. is that what we expected? no. is it properly worked out and is it fun to play? yes. definitely. although the game sometimes screams "OMG I'M CONSOLE", it is much more playable with a mouse and keyboard than it is with a controller. at least, that's my opinion.

then, graphics. the next frontier, lol. we expected the-most-awsum-looking-game-EVAR, and it isn't. that's a shame, yes, but it can really compare very well with Crysis 1 (without mods, lol), if you don't go searching for bad textures. the guns and arms are VERY nice looking, and the NPC's look very nice too. better than in Crysis 1 even.

and for mapdesign, they have improved a lot over Crysis 1. if you pay attention, you'll notice there isn't a conflict going on every second of the game. you fight in a "bubble", and then move on to the next; and in every bubble, there are a lot more places you can get to compared to Crysis 1. especially vertically. There are always latches and platforms you can climb onto to whatever you want. in Crysis 1 it wasn't that well set-up.

now, tell us what you think, but DON'T make this a troll-thread. i'm a PC-gamer, and i've been let down by Crysis 2, but if you look at it objectively, it's a proper game. i DON'T want to hear "OMFG IT svckS 'CAUSE WE DON'T HAVE DX11!!!" or something of the like. just look at the game as the game it is, not as what you wanted it to be.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:01 am

let me see:

> Map design

> Killstreaks (to an extent)


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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:22 am

*First of all the native origin of Crysis is PC
*Developing C2 for a console then porting it to PC is like mixing a mutt with a purebred
*Whats all the hype about DX11, well blame Crytek for that, they marketed the hell out of it leading us to believe the game would have DX11 on
release, thus causes many of us to go out and spend $$$$ to make our systems DX11 compatible inorder to get the BEST VISUAL EXPERIENCE
out of the game
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:44 pm

He said it's half decent. I actually really enjoy it, I love the suit modes even if stealth is a little bit pointless.
The gameplay is fast paced and engaging (for me anyway) so yeah, I like it. And touch wood, I've not had any major issues yet.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:07 am

well lets see positive stuff...
*well designed maps which gives u illusion that its much bigger then it is
*very very optimized game engine... graphics for this amount of fps is really a good job for crytek (BC2 CoD BO borderlands bioshock 2 bulletstorm all have crappier graphics then crysis 2 and they all run worse then crysis 2... )
*Single player is damn fun and its quite long... Yeah sure maybe its linear but i rather preffer linear shooter then open world shooter since its easier to get lost and u dont get that feel that u MUST do it... in crysis 1 im like why the **** shud i do missions screw them... heres like ok lets kick some ass! and they did awsome job to break the anatomy of linearity in game...
*multiplayer is great... lots of action and requires quite some skill to play. Killstreak dog tags drop is an awsome feature which pretty much breaks the killstreak bonus spams...
i can write lots more but i dont have time cus i gotta eat and play some more crysis 2 :)
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:08 am

so in the end, this isn't the sequel we expected, but it is more of a corridor shooter. is that what we expected? no. is it properly worked out and is it fun to play? yes. definitely. although the game sometimes screams "OMG I'M CONSOLE", it is much more playable with a mouse and keyboard than it is with a controller. at least, that's my opinion.
"is it properly worked out and is it fun to play?" Absolutely NO. Crysis and Warhead are a lot more fun to play and replay. And for a corridor shooter, well, is not that impressive either. I just replayed Quake 4 and played some HL2 mods and they are more fun to play than C2.

then, graphics. the next frontier, lol. we expected the-most-awsum-looking-game-EVAR, and it isn't. that's a shame, yes, but it can really compare very well with Crysis 1 (without mods, lol), if you don't go searching for bad textures. the guns and arms are VERY nice looking, and the NPC's look very nice too. better than in Crysis 1 even.
The gun is too big on screen, Crysis 1 has better graphics, better looks and feel, better on every single aspect.

and for mapdesign, they have improved a lot over Crysis 1. if you pay attention, you'll notice there isn't a conflict going on every second of the game. you fight in a "bubble", and then move on to the next; and in every bubble, there are a lot more places you can get to compared to Crysis 1. especially vertically. There are always latches and platforms you can climb onto to whatever you want. in Crysis 1 it wasn't that well set-up.

Map design went the wrong way. Are not improved over Crysis 1, but are good for a corridor shooter. It let you move around a little more than other similar games, like quake 4, doom 3, HL2.
What the hell is that thing you call a "bubble"??? There is no bubble. Is just a normal corridor shooter where you find most of the enemies on some places. Call in it a "bubble" is just marketing. It is not a new concept, is the same repetitive concept we saw on every single shooter since 20 years ago.
What you mean with specially vertically??? Are you stoned? You have only 2 places where you can do this and you have to follow a path corridor to get the objective, you can't reach this objective by any other way. Calling vertical gameplay be able to jump/run over latches and platforms is what we already have on Crysis 1 over every single building, and you can go inside of almost all this buildings.

You know what is a bubble and it's huge? My testicles, overinflated by people that don't have the decency to use their brain. There you have, a vertical bubble overinflated.

now, tell us what you think, but DON'T make this a troll-thread. i'm a PC-gamer, and i've been let down by Crysis 2, but if you look at it objectively, it's a proper game. i DON'T want to hear "OMFG IT svckS 'CAUSE WE DON'T HAVE DX11!!!" or something of the like. just look at the game as the game it is, not as what you wanted it to be.
Well, if it don't have the Crysis name on it you probably pass over it and forget it ever existed. C2 is a game to play 1 time and forget about. If you go to replay you can easily remember the path you need to take, and you can not chose other path because Crytek destroyed what Crysis is about.

PS: I intentionally name it C2 because it is not Crysis.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:26 am

Whew...that took a lot of thinking.

There was one WOW moment I experienced in the game. I liked the scene where Central Park lifted into the air and you had to fly over to it. That was cool. It would have been nice to see way more distruction like that though. Blocks of buildings toppling over...or the whole island of Manhattan becoming a maze of segragated islands that lifted out of the ground. Anyway, so many more cool ideas could have evolved from that alone but I liked it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:41 am

Oh man, here we go..

Crysis 1 fans VS Crysis 2 fans thread now
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Jason King
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:50 am

Oh man, here we go..

Crysis 1 fans VS Crysis 2 fans thread now

What can I say...I tried and came up with one thing to offer.

I was OK spending $60 on games like Halo and COD when I was a kid but it's hard to even want to say something nice with how dissapointing the game is compared to the first. These threads are best suited for the console forums if you don't want people biching. Unfortunately.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:33 am

ledge grab is all.......so sad we lost Crytek to the consols. I did enjoy the sp untill it ended and I realized how much content is GONE. I reinstalled cry1 and im about halfway through the sp, WoW its making it really hard to see the positives of cry2. Crysis will go down as a classic, cry2 will be forgotten. Sorry
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:29 am

The best thing is its prequel, Crysis 1
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:56 am

I have to admit, there was 1 decent thing I liked about Crysis2..

The Uninstaller.
Probably the only program that performed well :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:13 am

Only good is Singleplayerdesign and Music! <---Except Bugs....

All the little Rest.....all a Fail....MP (OMG...what?)....Suit Design (noob design if i look at C1...steering, handling (not know word), Armor not standard)....Cheater like in C1 destroy the little Rest of MP Experience.....No Support will follow soon like in past C1, i think.

Time to get kick some Asses at Crytek but i am sadly not a Yerli.....

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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:18 am

Whew...that took a lot of thinking.

There was one WOW moment I experienced in the game. I liked the scene where Central Park lifted into the air and you had to fly over to it. That was cool. It would have been nice to see way more distruction like that though. Blocks of buildings toppling over...or the whole island of Manhattan becoming a maze of segragated islands that lifted out of the ground. Anyway, so many more cool ideas could have evolved from that alone but I liked it.

Thats why it was dissapointing, I couldnt believe there was no death from above via chopper gunner or pilot after that. I would of loved to slay some aliens that way. The list is long on the possibilities.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:11 pm

I have to admit, there was 1 decent thing I liked about Crysis2..

The Uninstaller.
Probably the only program that performed well :)

So funny yet so sad
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:30 am

1. Better graphics. I didn't play Crysis/Warhead for a long time before I played C2. Then I decided to see are really C1 graphics better than C2. I maxed everything on C1, and it was not what I expected - I expected better. Then maxed out C2. It was awesome compared to C1. And as I get 15-20 FPS on C1 maxed, on C2 it's much higher. Better and more optimized!

2. Better nanosuit. In C1 you can't do a power jump while cloaked or while in armor.

3. Good story. The gap between C1 and C2 isn't so big - you have a movie when Prophet comes from Lingshan to NY using the alien transport...highway; and the daughter of major Strictland, which was killed by the Hunter in C1. And I liked the conspiracy.

4. Nice aliens. Even though they are not so original as C1's, they are really more suitable for urban combat than the flying ones in C1. The Lingshan ones would have trouble - there are many hidespots for RPGs. So - the NY ones have evolved for urban combat.

5. Sandbox gameplay like in C1. You have bubbles where you can attack from many angles, which are connected through linear paths.

6. Very good music, even superior to C1.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 am

well lets see positive stuff...
*very very optimized game engine... graphics for this amount of fps is really a good job for crytek (BC2 CoD BO borderlands bioshock 2 bulletstorm all have crappier graphics then crysis 2 and they all run worse then crysis 2... )

Noo, no, no. Here is how it is to me:

Every game you mentioned and then some > Crysis 2 (fps wise)

The only game that I can say plays as bad as Crysis 2 for me is GTA IV. Other then that, everything else I played works better.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:01 am

There's a lot of good things. Despite the low-res textures and lack of graphic tunning options, I think the scenery is beautiful. The plenty of details of a falling NY presented by the game is great. The environments are so detailed that I think if the graphics could be improved the experience would be even better (speaking about the PC), and I say this because several times I stoped to admire the landscape and when I did that the lack of details cutted off the joy. While entertained and in movement fighting through enemies it's beautiful, but if you stop to look at the details it's lack of definition becomes too much visible.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:31 pm

(...) While entertained and in movement fighting through enemies it's beautiful, but if you stop to look at the details it's lack of definition becomes too much visible.

exactly, my friend. exactly. once you stop, things tend to turn blurry, lol.

Oh man, here we go..

Crysis 1 fans VS Crysis 2 fans thread now

no no no no no! this isn't what i mean! i'm fan of Crysis as a series, even though Crysis 1 is better. i don't want a C1 vs C2 thread!

we have good things going on, let's keep posting.

one i forgot, was the ledgegrab. that tiny feature is very useful for moving about. after i finished Crysis 2 and restarted Crysis 1, i really missed it.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:02 am

I never played any of the Crysis games before... so what can I say that I like about Crysis 2....?

Well, pretty much nothing.

I bought this on the wave of hype generated around the game and by the fact that it was a sci-fi/aliens shooter type game - which might be interesting given Crytek's track record.

But its without doubt the most dull, contrived and empty gaming experience I've ever had.

Serious Sam entertains because it claims to be nothing more than a corridor-shooter with insane eneimies - it was much more fun than this.

Crysis 2 deceives because it aspires to be more than a corridor-shooter - when in fact that is all it is.

PS: I predict that Duke Nukem Forever will graphically inferior to Crysis 2, have a plot less intelligible than Crysis 2 (if that's possible) - but will be oh! so much more fun to play!!!!

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:34 pm

Whew...that took a lot of thinking.

There was one WOW moment I experienced in the game. I liked the scene where Central Park lifted into the air and you had to fly over to it. That was cool. It would have been nice to see way more distruction like that though. Blocks of buildings toppling over...or the whole island of Manhattan becoming a maze of segragated islands that lifted out of the ground. Anyway, so many more cool ideas could have evolved from that alone but I liked it.

Thats why it was dissapointing, I couldnt believe there was no death from above via chopper gunner or pilot after that. I would of loved to slay some aliens that way. The list is long on the possibilities.

:/ yeah...i agree.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:03 am

i hope they can add a mode where you can slay aliens!
zombie mode, cod black ops, for example.
would be cool!
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am

I liked the idea of CoD on nanosuit with some mirrors edge moves, on MP. Too bad the latency issues made the MP ****.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:54 am

Nothing is good. All BAD!
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:12 am

It is really a mixed bag. I did enjoy the single player, I only enjoy multiplayer when I get on a server with a active admin.
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