i mean the Dunmer citizens in Skyrim. What is good about them.
Not previous TES Dunmer.
We can't give you proper answers without a proper question.
Dunmers are awesome.
Even Beethoven likes dunmers, hence his 5th symphony starts with "Dun-dun-dun-dun"
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IRMYuE1hI )
Well gameplay-wise they've got a nifty fire cloak power and resistance to fire, the latter of which is immensely useful against dragons and dragon priests.
Lore-wise they seem a lot more humble and less xenophobic than the Dunmer of Morrowind 200 years ago.
We dont understand what you are saying in the first place dude, how can we give you proper replies?
There just boss. They look sick and well gameplay wise it just depends what skills you use more but even then I don't really care. I use a Dunmer and he uses two handed weapons although Dunmer's don't start off with a high two handed skill level.
They're survivors, but other than that there's not a lot to say. This game had a great dearth of badass Dunmer until Dragonborn DLC.
This. There's nothing bad about them as a whole, which I get the feeling this thread is trying to portray.
Gameplay wise, oooor what? Going by gameplay, nothing special, racial bonuses dont mean [censored], and the cloak is fairly useless
um yeah, that's all, your question is too vague to be honest