Two shot gauss rifle
Explosive mini gun
Explosive 10mms pistol
Two shot plasma gun
I like the stuff that boosts Charisma...then I stack my settlements.
besides that, i enjoy my wounding assault rifle
I'm currently enjoying a Staggering Machete, to which I've attached Kremvh's mod. With power armor swinging it, it's devastating.
Oh, they shoot me a time or two as I'm charging up into melee range.
- Two-shot Laser Rifle
- Never Ending Laser Rifle
- Plasma-infused 10mm Pistol
- Explosive Hunting RIfle
- Wounding Shotgun
- Wounding Hunting Rifle
- Explosive Pistol (had to lose it because of re-doing a playthrough from middle point)
- Never Ending Double Barrel Shotgun (had to lose it because mission was bugged)
- Freezing Missile Launcher (had to lose it because of a bug)
Yeah, I don't really like to farm; I'm on PC and could just create those things if I wanted. But this particular character isn't about that. He's a DiD character and I'm enjoying just letting things be random. I had the Kremvh a little while, sought it out specifically, but the Staggering machete dropped randomly from a Mutant Hound at the Scrap Palace that I was actually doing my best to avoid because I just wanted to pass through on my way to somewhere else. This character is only lvl 19 but has this super-powered melee weapon, and it's somehow cooler that it was an accident.
So you don't think I'm too high and mighty pure, I already had a previous character where I abused the power of the console to great effect. I'm talking X-01 power armor pieces with legendary effects that aren't even possible without the console, straight-up adding XP via the console, the whole Nine Yards, Monty Haul style.
It got boring fast, though. Hence, the DiD guy.
I'll be checking it out when I'm in the game.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Violent Gauss
Explosive Gauss
Instigating Hunting Rifle
Chameleon Heavy Combat Arm
Sharp Sturdy Combat Chest
VATS Enhanced Combat Shotgun(nothing like the ability to unload 8 VATS fully modded shotgun blasts into the face of anyone dumb enough to run into melee range)
I think the funniest one I've found so far was the Penetrating Aluminum Rolling Pin. Completely useless, but funny all the same.
Yeah. I just hope I won't find another legendary baseball bats, rolling pins, and walking canes.... lol