What's so great about mods?

Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:54 am

For myself, often, I will build my own house, and place desired items from the construction set, or other mods into it.

In the game, Morrowind, there was a shack in Sedya Neen. I opened the construction set, took out all the items, and replaced with items I wanted, especially storage furniture and lighting. Sometimes the lighting was adjusted.

I will evaluate the housing in Skyrim to see if there is a house I like. I want a longhouse style, so if there isn't a suitable house, it may have to be modded, using parts from the construction set.

More experienced modders will add different models and textures from 3rd party programs.

Also, I may want to add mods that enhance my character's appearance, such as various make-up, eye color, hair, (Like Ren's) different types of apparel.

My personal taste does not include adding uber weapons/armor, etc., or cheats.

However, Total conversions like Nehrim are acceptable.

To answer to OP's question, I find it enjoyable.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:33 am

After the mod section for Skyrim on this forum opens I will go there and never return to the general discussion, that's been the case with all previous games.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:15 am

Mods = more!

Skyrim with no mods is less then Skyrim with mods.

Just look at oblivion, with all the mods the game is so much more.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:06 am

After the mod section for Skyrim on this forum opens I will go there and never return to the general discussion, that's been the case with all previous games.

+1 :tes:
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Trista Jim
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:55 am

After the mod section for Skyrim on this forum opens I will go there and never return to the general discussion, that's been the case with all previous games.

Likewise... As Phitt mentioned, the crowd is much nicer. Plus it's great to collaborate with people, and throw around ideas.

Makes you feel like you're part of something big, lol :D
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:50 am

Edit: Also people who think games are broken until they mod their preferences in, are idiots.

.... Yeah I guess I'm an idiot for wanting balance in New Vegas.
I guess I'm an idiot for wanting less experience points as I level up too fast.
I guess I'm an idiot for wanting FO1/2 weapons that should have been in Fallout New Vegas (especially since they're on the same coast).
I guess I'm an idiot for wanting enemies to have a fair chance of killing me.
I guess I'm an idiot cause I think it's unfair that the player get to use certain weapons while enemies aren't allowed to.

Yup, I'm :bonk:.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:01 am

Well, it's not "broken", it's just has [censored] balancing.

Like Fallout 3, though less so ^_^
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:02 pm


svckty svck svck

who wants to add thousands of extra top quality, quests, items, weapons, spells, monsters, armor, cloths, quests, NPCs, graphic enhancements (makes game age well), perks, cloaks, crossbows, dungeons, and bug fixes and general game tweaking.

I mean mods just add a few hundred thousand hours of replay value to a TES game they truly svck

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:02 am

Here's one example of a very simple mod that I thought made Oblivion better.

You buy the house in Bruma, the coldest place in Cyrodiil. Why is there no fire in the fireplace? And why is there a wood grate sitting off to the side of the fireplace? It should be in the fireplace, with a crackling fire, especially after you go and buy all the furnishings for the house.

There's a mod that fixes that. Puts the wood grate where it belongs, and has a nice, cozy fire for your living space.

I mean seriously, every other house in Bruma has a fire in the fireplace. I know, because I went and broke in and checked them all.
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:15 pm


svckty svck svck

who wants to add thousands of extra top quality, quests, items, weapons, spells, monsters, armor, cloths, quests, NPCs, graphic enhancements (makes game age well), perks, cloaks, crossbows, dungeons, and bug fixes and general game tweaking.

I mean mods just add a few hundred thousand hours of replay value to a TES game they truly svck


Or, as an alternative, you could have actually read my OP. I never once said that mods "svck." I made my ignorance of their benefits quite clear and was attempting to remedy that ignorance.

Thanks for your input. "/EPIC SARCASM"
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:06 am

Well, it's not "broken", it's just has [censored] balancing.

Like Fallout 3, though less so ^_^

Well, it's subjective about if balance is broken or not, for me, it is. :/

But there are other things that are broken and can likely be fixed with mods.
Like the damage perks from Point Lookout that makes DPS weapons crazy powerful. (Kill an overlord on Very Hard with Man Opener)
Like the roof in Steelyard in Pitt being broken so that I fall through it if I have PL installed.
Like the Pipboy getting hyper-bloom or anti-bloom.
Like having reputations muck up if I wear a faction armor.
Like having companions suddenly disappear.

So basically, according to Warrior431 anyone that uses a mod to fix a broken game mechanic or subjectively broken balance is an idiot.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:43 pm


unofficial patches - to fix bugs, glitches, broken minor quests, dialog mistakes, and other assorted silliness that the developers missed or didn't have time to deal with.

graphics replacers - to add detail above and beyond, like having silverware that actually reflects, faces that don't look like "Mr.Potatohead", and wooden trim with realistic wood grain.

additional features - to add requirements for food, water, and sleep that are "acceptable" according to your own tastes; to add smithing, crafting, carpentry, brewing, and all sorts of other side tasks which you have to find materials for, which becomes a whole new game within a game; to add new or improved spell effects or combat mechanics, etc.

additional dungeons, quests, factions, towns, or entire landmasses - what's there to dislike about "more"?

additional items - more choices in clothing, weapons, armor, and various clutter for you and your house. Not all mod-added weapons and armor are "overpowered", a favorite of mine is a broken bottle; the stats on the bottle are awful, but it's "different", and there's nothing like the sense of self-assurance when your character can put away his overpowered Daedric weapon, pull out the remains of a bottle, and continue with a grin "...with this!". Try to beat that with plain old vanilla!
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:43 pm

my opinion is the best and anyone who disagrees with me is stoopid!
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:32 pm

You can move that bloody compass to the bottom of the screen, for a start. I'm not one of those people that hates the compass as a rule, but that's some cruddy placement right there imo.

There's plenty of other reasons, but that's annoying and I'm jealous of PC players that get to fix it.
Oh! And no doubt a hardcoe/survival mode will be made fairly quickly too. *goes off to grumble*
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:03 am

Modding isnt realistic. Can u walk outside and decide u want the grass to be blue and then make a mod for it? No. So u shouldnt mod for skyrim either. Thats how i feel and dont waste ur time by typing a response i wont read.
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:25 pm

Dungeons of Ivellon.

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:35 pm

Modding isnt realistic. Can u walk outside and decide u want the grass to be blue and then make a mod for it? No. So u shouldnt mod for skyrim either. Thats how i feel and dont waste ur time by typing a response i wont read.

Ahh you're right we shall remove it because it isn't realistic. We should remove dragons too. /sarcasmoff
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:56 pm

Modding isnt realistic. Can u walk outside and decide u want the grass to be blue and then make a mod for it? No.

That's because in real life i'm just a NPC, not the player :P
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:40 am

my opinion is the best and anyone who disagrees with me is stoopid!


I've messed around with a lot of different mods for a lot of different games, though primarily with Baldur's Gate 2, Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age.

Personally I find most mods to be a near complete waste of time. The graphical and glitch fixes are always nice but 1) I've experience very very few such instances over the years, and an even smaller percentage were something that actually bothered me enough for me to care and 2) There's always the chance the developers will patch the game, you'll just have to wait a bit longer.

I think I spent more hours simply installing and uninstalling and reinstalling mods, and playing around with the new features they add than I did actually PLAYING the game with said mods active. The extra options and added content is nice if you make the time to explore all of it but for the most part, I feel that mods simply distract from the core game and take away from the vision the creator's had for it. If there are enough things you mod into or out of a particular game that it noticeably or even significantly changes the way the game is played, then you probably wasted your money and should have just gone for something that was more what you wanted from the get-go.

I found that with most mods I enjoyed 90% of what was changed or added, but either hated, or just found utterly useless the other 10% which, for all intents and purposes, made the mod pointless for me. The only game I ever added mods to and actually enjoyed it more afterwards because of them was Command and Conquer Generals (and Zero Hour), and that's only because I had stopped playing online at that point; the game as it was had gotten boring and I wanted to freshen it up.

I don't seem myself ever having that problem with Skyrim, or any well made RPG for that matter. So, basically, I don't think there's much of a middle ground. Either you're going to spend hours making or applying the right combination of mods to make a game exactly the way YOU want, which is cool, OR, don't bother. I am of the latter persuasion.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:53 am

Modding isnt realistic. Can u walk outside and decide u want the grass to be blue and then make a mod for it? No. So u shouldnt mod for skyrim either. Thats how i feel and dont waste ur time by typing a response i wont read.

You're either stupid, or a troll.

Dragons aren't realistic.. magic isn't realistic.. the world of TES isn't realistic.. can you walk outside and find any of these things? No.. so why would you make a game for it?

Derp herp herpa derp..

I'm hoping you're under 16. That way you can at least chock up this statement to your underdeveloped mindset. I don't really care if you read this or not.. but I hope other people can at least solidify their opinion on your comment being complete garbage.
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Post » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:57 pm

Modding isnt realistic. Can u walk outside and decide u want the grass to be blue and then make a mod for it? No. So u shouldnt mod for skyrim either. Thats how i feel and dont waste ur time by typing a response i wont read.
Your avatar fits, I'll leave it at that.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:54 am

Flamebait and responses to it have been removed.
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:04 pm

Modding is fine as long as you don't overdo it. If you walk out of your spaceship with a shotgun and jump on your motorcycle and ride under the light of the Deathstar to go save Kvatch... you're doing it wrong.

Improved meshes and textures and the occasional UL mod and quest mod? Not bad.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:37 am

anyone maybe give an example of a mod or two they used in Oblivion and explain how their game was better than the one that I played? Thanks!

Mods to make the game look better.
Mods that add new guilds/quests.
Mods that add new playable areas (There is a mod for Oblivion that adds Elsweyr to the game, complete with multiple cities/quests/guilds/new items/new monsters, I believe there is one for Valenwood as well)
Mods to make the game more difficult if that's what you like.
Mods to add new spells/items/cool magic effects
Mods to add new villages/more people to make the game feel more alive

There are mods for everything you could imagine. I have a question, how could using mods NOT make the better than the one you played, given that YOU CHOOSE mods to add/change things that you think are better for the game. I mean there are a lot of mods that I feel would make my game worse, such as all of the ones with futuristic laser guns or whatever, but I just don't use those ones. Instead I use mods that adds lore fitting items/guilds.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:13 pm

Flamebait and responses to it have been removed.

Thanks for not closing it. I'm getting a lot of good information out of it.

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