They already say there will be no snipers in the game, just rifles with scopes that can be used in same way, but not OHK.
The fact that he said "the game has some cool ones" means that he was talking about short rifles. I see no reason to correct every single post that uses the word.
I know the difference is a bit more than trivial, but not to some people.
Last I heard there would be Snipers but with very specific roles. You got a link to them saying there wouldn't be any?
The "Sniper rifles" in game are just Short rifles (a light weapon) with a scope put on it by the player. They will only be of slight use in a sniping role because they do not kill people in one shot, even if you hit the head. The game also does not focus on long range combat, and there are no purpose-made sniper nests. If you are looking to fire over the shoulders of your teammates to help whittle away the enemies health, they could be quite useful, but you aren't going to be able to hold back a corridor on your own without ample skill.
Short rifles in general are not limited to use as snipers though, thus the new name. They fire a lot faster than the typical snipers in other games, and have iron sights by default, making them just as good at close range, if you can land your shots carefully.