What gun do you want their to have a unique variant?

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:28 pm

I hoping for a unique trail carbine, a unique Anti-Material Rifle, and the return of the lever-action rifle.
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:59 am

There was a cut content AM rifle called the oliver anti-material rifle, so that could show up in LR
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:51 am

I loved the lever action rifle especially the Backwater Rifle favorite weapon in Fallout 3, it just had that punch you needed to take down anything. But i doubt there will be amy energy weapons because the gun runners don't sell energy weapons so it wouldn't make any sense. but to have more unique weapons would be nice also some weapons with some hp this time (not like the COS Sniper rifle that was terrible, it was like 5 shots and it was down by half) a unique ani metirial rifle would be nice and a unique hunting rifle, and a new skin for the ranger seqoiua maybe something that ulysess has that would be cool.
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:02 am

There was a cut content AM rifle called the oliver anti-material rifle, so that could show up in LR

Yeah, it was General Oliver's AMR. So the likelihood of it being just a simplistic Cut content weapon is probably low, and I myself hope it isn't that either.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:34 am

I hoping for a unique trail carbine, a unique Anti-Material Rifle, and the return of the lever-action rifle.

Are the three lever action rifles we have not enough?

I hope for a unique hunting rifle, maybe an M1903 springfield.
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:47 am

Chainsaw, Hunting Rifle, Plasma Defender, and 12.7mm Pistol or SMG.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:10 pm

There was a cut content AM rifle called the oliver anti-material rifle, so that could show up in LR

Actually, I just checked the geck to see just where this thing might be and it shows that it is in the inventory of NCR snipers in Oliver's compound. Maybe I mis-read the geck, but it looks like some of the ncr snipers are equipped with this thing during the final battle. It's named the same thing, so unless you looked at the stats when you picked it up, you wouldn't notice. Anyone got a save close enough to the end that they feel like looking into this?

-Gunny out.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:18 am

Chainsaw, Hunting Rifle, Plasma Defender, and 12.7mm Pistol or SMG.

Isn't the plasma defender supposed to be a unique plasma pistol. You could say "but there is more than one" but there are several ranger sequoias and it is the unique hunting revolver.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:58 pm

I was hoping for a unique LMG, my favourite weapon :celebration: also perhaps a MAC Ingram would be cool, or an Uzi :D an RPG would be cool too, so the Missile Launcher wasn't so lonely
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:20 am

Isn't the plasma defender supposed to be a unique plasma pistol. You could say "but there is more than one" but there are several ranger sequoias and it is the unique hunting revolver.

It's not listed as a Unique variant.
I say if there is more than one, it's not very "unique".
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:21 am

Isn't the plasma defender supposed to be a unique plasma pistol. You could say "but there is more than one" but there are several ranger sequoias and it is the unique hunting revolver.

I don't think so. The stats and looks of the Plasma Pistol and Plasma defender are so different, that I consider them to be non-unique and seperate. Besides, when we're talking "unique" there's usually only one gun (except for K9000). So I say Nay! We must have a unique Plasma Defender!
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:41 pm

Actually, I just checked the geck to see just where this thing might be and it shows that it is in the inventory of NCR snipers in Oliver's compound. Maybe I mis-read the geck, but it looks like some of the ncr snipers are equipped with this thing during the final battle. It's named the same thing, so unless you looked at the stats when you picked it up, you wouldn't notice. Anyone got a save close enough to the end that they feel like looking into this?

-Gunny out.

Yeah I just checked the geck as well and it looks like we won't be seeing this one in LR. As for it being in the final battle I can't say for sure. According to the wiki it was used by an NCR sniper in an inaccessable cell of Hoover Dam, and that the entire cell was cut from the game. On the other hand anyone can edit the wiki so it is not comfirmed that it is not in the game. For all I know I could have picked it up before and not known what I was armed with.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm

I want a Unique Fat Man (Even if the weapon itself is already unique)

They could call it the 'Little Boy' (Which was either the 1st or second atomic bomb dropped on japan during WWII)
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:51 am

I want a Unique Fat Man (Even if the weapon itself is already unique)

They could call it the 'Little Boy' (Which was either the 1st or second atomic bomb dropped on japan during WWII)

Good news


They already have little boy as a mod for the fatman to make it weigh less.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:15 am

A unique anti material rifle would make my wish-list shorter.
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:00 pm

Yeah I just checked the geck as well and it looks like we won't be seeing this one in LR. As for it being in the final battle I can't say for sure. According to the wiki it was used by an NCR sniper in an inaccessable cell of Hoover Dam, and that the entire cell was cut from the game. On the other hand anyone can edit the wiki so it is not comfirmed that it is not in the game. For all I know I could have picked it up before and not known what I was armed with.

It's listed as on a ranger sniper that shows up in the cell where you fight oliver when playing through legion. I just ran on old save I had through there, and didn't see the sniper where the geck shows him spawning. This is the part of the geck I svck at, checking inside cells and stuff, so maybe someone who knows what the hell they're doing could look into this.

-Gunny out
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:08 pm

There are over two dozen(24 or 26) weapons in GRA. That's a lot of weapons I see.

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Post » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:31 am

It's listed as on a ranger sniper that shows up in the cell where you fight oliver when playing through legion. I just ran on old save I had through there, and didn't see the sniper where the geck shows him spawning. This is the part of the geck I svck at, checking inside cells and stuff, so maybe someone who knows what the hell they're doing could look into this.

-Gunny out

I'll check the geck but I'm not sure that I will find anything. I usually just use the geck to make mods that are pretty simple, like weapon and armor mods. If anyone out there is a geck expert, maybe they could look into this.

Edit: I think I just found the sniper in the geck, the entire cell he is in is not finshed, and the sniper himself is considered moveable static rather than an NPC. If I am correct, I think all of this means that you will not be able to find the sniper in game because the cell might be completely inaccessable. The cell appears to be under the area where you confront General Oliver.
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