What happend to all the low ping servers?

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:20 am

When I played the demo, I found no problem selecting a low ping server from the huge list.
Now however, when the full game is out, it seems like it is much harder to find RANKED low ping servers...
By low ping I mean those who go below the 200, it seems like I can only find 5 or 6 Ranked servers with good ping, those are usually full...
As for unranked servers, I can find a larger amount of low ping servers of that type, but that doesn't really help me if I want to level up and gain new abilities, now does it?
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:44 am

It's server showing faultly ping.. I join 1000 ping server and i don't see any different.. Still playable as usual.. I gotta mention that which i felt myself personally i don't want any argue here.. Just correct me if i am wrong=)
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