A few months ago there was a pruning recount (whatever it's called ) Admins never commented on it, but it happened during one of the maintenance sessions.
It happened when they brought the Fallout 4 forum online in early June, 2015. As deaths_soul says, it was a recount. Our post counts are accurate going back to September 2009, which is when they last pruned inactive threads. So anyone who posted before 2009 has seen their displayed post count drop; anyone who joined after 2009 has not seen their displayed post count drop.
Yup. I went from an Arch-Patriarch to Diviner and from 5 stars to 3.
Now I'm just a nobody. (Do note a facetious "tone"!)
My question is: why did they need to recount at all? They've operated forums for 16 years. During that time they've purged threads multiple times and moved us from the old "green forum" to our present forum. Through it all our post count has always remained intact. Why do this now?
I can't help but feel this was a massive screw-up.
Nah, this is something that happens every now and again. Beth purges older posts, and folks that have been here for a while see their post count drop. Mine was over 40K not so very long ago...... Basically, I think they are just freeing up server space.... maybe it makes the forums faster. Who knows....
I would guess that things changed with an update to the forums at some point..... In the last purge, I lost 90% of my post count. (a few years back)
Sometime just before they migrated to Bethesda.net a pruning was completed that wiped out 2 of my stars and several thousand posts. It is kind of weird, it does feel like sort of a lost part of my life.
Make sure they've sat out on the counter for at least a month in advanced please. (And think of how terrible Bethesda.net is while you throw at least one, even if just for me please.)
Seems Bethesda just can't get things right when it comes to forum stuff over the last while. Breaking here, and the mess that is Bethesda.net. You make me
This is very strange. I'm not sure how that happened. As I mentioned earlier I've never lost any of my post count, until last year. It has remained unaffected by pruning or forum moves from 2002 to 2015. I've not heard of it happening to anybody else, either.
There was no pruning. There was a recount. And it was probably an accident.
When they added the Fallout 4 forum last June some intern leaned on the control panel and accidentally pushed the big red Recount Button - the one surrounded by flashing lights and a sign that says "DO NOT TOUCH," resetting the count for all of the people who posted before 2009. He immediately pointed at the person standing next to him and said, "He did it! It's his fault!"
Indeed. I log on for the first in four years to find that I am now a "Curate."
I've never felt so metaphorically naked on a forum before.