I just finished Fallout New Vegas for the second time in a row....and I am so disappointed...

How can someone create a master piece like Fallout 3 and afterwards do this....thing...called New Vegas.
I've been a very close follower of the Fallout series since the second one came out.
And I don't even know where to start pointing my finger. Maybe I should point the good spots only.

The storyline is a complete waste. So vague, so empty.
Where are the stories that made us live so intensively the main quest ?
Like Carrie Delaney and her tapes.....the story of Lamplight ?
Or the Keller Family...and the five transcripts ?
Remember the first moments of the Fallout 3 game until you came out of the Vault for the first and bright rime ?
I do. I remember thinking that I had been 'away' literally for the last minutes. "What have they done?

No. In New Vegas everything is washed away.
Everything is dull and uninteresting, with the short exception of the Burned Man story, told by the old man with the Rangers. Very well told.
If I didn't keep myself constantly on the trail of the main quest, I couldn't feel any emotions playing it. The side quests were even bolder than all the rest.
Unlike Fallout 3 where i could spend time looking for the entrance of a radio SOS signal from some chinese spy from before the blast.

The travelling demanded to finish the missions, whether is too short, whether it's abusing.
Also, the travel marks are terribly, badly, organised. Like going to the 38, where so many missions go through it, We have to go to the North Strip Gate, enter the gate, walk, cut left and enter building, take the elevator and still...walk a bit more throuhg stairs just to see D. House or Yes man on the screen. It is.....really tiring.
Speaking of which, also the need to reset the shortcut numbers for the weapons every time we are searched to enter some place, or having to call you companions each time they are not allowed to enter some place with you (like the 38, Caesar,..) ..it can be VERY tiring. lol
The designs....so.....nothing. Except for the Strip....there's nothing to it. And even the Casinos, are not that different from....shall we say Tenpenny Tower.
Remember the Lincoln Monument ? Or the Enclave base ? What now ? Empty, squared airport ? Brotherhood of Steel (with enclave parts) bunker ?
No...thumb down again.
In short, I believe Fallout 3 was very hard to do. Many hours of work from many people. Many pressures, promotions, interviews, positive expectations, a burning flame..
That is why it was a job well done. We cannot just throw some fairy dust at people's eyes and hope that all they see will glow.
Still, many things were positives.
-The survival hard mode making us drink and eat regularly.
-All non-energetic weapons. Very well crafted.
-The Casino games.
-The companion interface.
-...and i don't even remember anything else...thou i know there are some other....surely.
At the end...even if we look at New Vegas and New Reno....i must dearly say, that the first one really misses some spice.
Anyway, I hope many people loved it.
Though, I am definitely keeping my feet dry for the next one while i solve this 1 or 2 years depression thank's to you Bethesda!!
Yes, shame on you

Come on guys, don't lose Fallout's "soul and burning flame".
Really hope you come around in the future.

Signed: a really big fan...heart-broken.