or more specifically given the events depicted in the webcomic would've happened over 200 years prior to new vegas... what would he look like if included in the game now?
well here's my version... I wanted him to look like he'd mutated over the years but avoid any sense of him being a straightforward ghoul or super-mutant... he is very much 'other'... the slavers of paradise falls consider him something of a boogie-man so I wanted to emphasize this idea, making him into something creepy and sinister rather then just a big badass. I like the idea of leaving the reason behind his mutation and longevity a mystery... it's almost as if he's being kept alive by the power of his own psychoticness alone

Let me know what you guys think...
by the by if you like the pic and want to check out more of my stuff check out my (very poor) website http://www.miscreationstudio.co.uk/