I find politically correct dribble more distasteful than straight up discrimination because it discriminates while claiming the moral high ground. In fairness, you voiced your concerns 'in character' I suppose, but it can easily be interpreted (like I did, and as demonstrated by several responses) that you were attempting to politicize a game feature by bringing real-world gravity to your argument. In that way, you coloured the conversation. Don't complain now that you don't appreciate the colour.
I didn't color the conversation. -.- I said simply don't give the excuse of "you can't marry because of the in-game racism." (which you can find if you actually pay attention.) What you are referring to is a derail with a few other people on this thread. It was off topic, and I have asked to stay on topic from then on.
Would you call being banned from marriage based on your race discrimination? I would.
I did not voice concerns in character, I voiced concerns as a customer.
No ingame or out of game explanations besides "they had to rush to deadline," that have been given (and regiven because no one reads) makes any sense.
Any to the OP. Bethesda probably just didn't have time end of story. It's not like they were running for president making promises only to get into office and not keep any of em. I don't know maybe I'm readin u wrong but it seems like your kinda like being a bit spoiled and thinking they lied to u personally on purpose or something. Things happen in game development cycles and stuff gets cut or not put in on time just to make deadlines. It's just the way it is.......
I don't take it as a personal affront, I take it as a failure to live up to a clear declaration. That one would be able to marry nomatter race or gender.
I have updated the OP with a new link thanks to luke for looking it up.
And if you had read my previous comments you would see that I have already said I know it might have been the deadline thing, but that then I would expect to see the issue fixed with a patch.