(edit. Here's the specific link from PAX saying there would be equality )
According to several pre-release sources we were promised that we could "marry anyone" (and) "regardless of race or gender." however, I am sorely disappointed, and fairly vexed, to find that the list of marriage capable NPC's does not contain any Khajiit or Bosmer canditates of either gender. (Also apparently no High elf, or Redguard males are available.)
Why is this so Bethesda?
Don't say racism. Because my character should not be forced to have a racist view of the world around her, even if many of skyrims citizens hold this.
Don't say it is because of the low number of their races, because you could certainly have put more in.
I had high hopes for the marriage system, but now it is somewhat breaking my immersion. Especially because, as a khajiit, it is very hard to imagine why no khajiit could ever be interested in my character.
I'm very much hoping there will be (sometime soon) a patch to include these races in the marriage system.
(PS. guys, I'm not bashing the game. Skyrim is definately deserving to be the game of the decade. Which is exactly why I want this system to be corrected. As the marriage system stands now it is only better than the Fable system because it has more than 1 race.)
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(Feel like i need to explain this point better because so many get confused on the point of racism.)
When i say "Don't say racism." I mean, I have considered wether or not the racist element in Skyrim would affect whether or not khajiits or bosmer were able to marry their own or not.
And I reached hte conclusion. No, it would not stop them from marrying their own.
And so using racism as an excuse for these marriages not being available, would not be a legitimate explanation.
Now stop telling me i'm playing the racist card.