Unfortunately, its not just bethseda. Almost all of the companies are dumbing down their games to appeal to more people. Pretty soon all games will seem like you're using God Mode when you play them.

WoW and the COD series started this trend and now everyone else wants to copy their success.
Pretty much this. Don't really know what to tell you, OP, but it's not the fault of the companies. It's the fault of the gaming community. Companies just want to make money, and the money is to be had making games that are all flash and no substance. How many sales did Modern Warfare 3 get? Exactly.
Imagine Bethesda puts out a game which focuses more on substance than flash. Imagine, five years from now, Bethesda puts out a game that is visually identical to Skyrim but with a story and lore depth like that of the Neverwinter Nights series. Now, the game would be a success? Yes, but would it garner enough sales? That's the eternal question. The sad answer is, however, that if the graphics aren't stunning the game simply will not sell. That's the sad truth about today's gaming community.
Also, on that note normally I would agree and use it as an excuse, but after playing Dark Souls, I have to really disagree about using it as an excuse.
Dark Souls is in my opinion, the epitome of RPG: It has a huge expansive beautiful world, lots of RP elements, excellent combat (and not just on any one part, every aspect and weapon related to the combat is
fleshed out very well), there's treasure to find, lots of flash WITH substance, you can customize your character however you want, it has a really deep and interesting story, etc. It does all of those elements well, and I'm sure the budget
for that game was much less than Skyrim's. Dev time was probably smaller as well. When DkS devs were creating/managing the game they focused on the
gameplay elements, rather than chasing what's popular,
and decided to make the game they wanted to make(It's actually their company's policy!), and it came out pretty much flawless in my opinion. The amount of glitches in the game are pretty small in number, and the
gameplay content value is of a very high quality.
(By the way this isn't to spawn up a whole Dark Souls vs Skyrim debate, I'm just using it as an example since the games are supposed to be in the same genre ie: Fantasy Medieval RPG's)So as a result instead of making excuses for Skyrim's problems, I just look at it as the way it really is. I personally like both games for different reasons. But I feel that Skyrim really had more than enough
time and inclination to improve their previous game's gameplay elements and combat. But there's still too many issues with it. AI is dumb. Combat is still flailing around at enemies made of smoke
who never react to damage. Enemies hit you and you ignore it like a boss. It's a whole lot of mashing buttons, and praying for victories; it's just so mindless.
Honestly, how many of you were disappointed at how fast your first dragon went down, be honest. I was really beyond disappointed. Like the dragon was visually impressive(like I said before). It flew around pretty, it blew fire pretty, it ate a guard pretty, it roared pretty, hovered in the air pretty, all of that stuff. But when it came down to fighting the damn thing, it went down in a few strokes. Total buzzkill.
We modders can improve all of these elements too but, it's like...can you still still credit Bethesda for additions that modders make that probably should have been there from the beginning? I personally say no, and instead
look at the game for what it is, rather than make excuses for it.