So here is a list of what happened in skyrim for me yesterday
Bought Hearthfire add-on
Bought land for 5000 gold
Fought Dragon at Dawnstar
Got materials
Added on to house
Fought Dragon at Dawnstar
Bought materials
added on to house
Fought Dragon at Dawnstar
All the general good stores suddenly locked themselves even thought it was business hours for 3 days.
Fought Dragon and Paco's House. Killed with Orcish Dagger
Got married to mill owner
Killed a Giant that was at my house
Furnished house
Used last 3000 gold I had on building materials
So yeah. As you can see it was a very eventful day in Skyrim. I put a child's bed and chest in my bedroom but it won't et me adpot a child still. Help plz?