I am Werewolf and Nightingale, someday i will day, where am i going to?, wired !!
I am Werewolf and Nightingale, someday i will day, where am i going to?, wired !!
No hes asking who will claim his soul when he dies.
No one gets it. unless Beth makes it canon in the next game (which is unlikely). until then the players are free to roleplay what ever they want.
yes, but in Nocturnals case you Are a Nightingale. or in hiricnes case, you Are a Werewolf
I think Daedra would get first Dibs over an Aedra (Since apparently Aedra lost some of their power in the creation of Mundus, while the Daedra who refused to take part still retain all of their power)
Oh OP you day? cool beans sometimes I night
Hircine gets you first I think, since Nightengale is more or less a title and Werewolfism is...something else
I'm talking about my soul, who will claim it?, do you guys really think they will fight?, leave Auri-El and others, talking about Hircine and Nocturnals ..
I think they will rip it into pieces. Wolf piece goes for Hircine, Dragon for Akatosh etc. and so you will end up scattered around the realms in pieces. Another possibility is they will argue about your soul forever and so you remain in mortal realm as restless ghost until the end of the times.