Say people buy into the Xbox One version and no one plays it, what do those people then do? Like do they have to buy the PC version to be able to play or would Bethesda allow them to switch their account to a PC one so they can play there instead?
Say people buy into the Xbox One version and no one plays it, what do those people then do? Like do they have to buy the PC version to be able to play or would Bethesda allow them to switch their account to a PC one so they can play there instead?
If any platform version goes downhill, then there will likely be faction imbalances & PVP will die pretty fast.
ZOS will then add incentives to new gamers to choose specific factions to balance it out.
And last resort is moving to F2P with a cash shop to keep it going a little longer.
I doubt the account switching will happen at any point.
Tbh...going by the last beta & how badly my PC handled it compared to other betas, Im going to be forced to eithe rupgrade my PC (which I can't afford) or save up for a console and get the console version.
I think Eso will do quite well on console, provided there are few issues.
How can you afford a console but not upgrading your PC?
You do realize you can easily upgrade your PC to run TESO with high settings with the same price the console costs, right?
With price of console you will get PC that will run the game fine with almost full video settings. Last beta I tried to play with my gf laptop with her (i3 2.0ghz + GT 520M + 4GB) and the game run ok with about 30-40fps all off/low except textures medium. It looked like morrowind on old xbox though but it run.
Then our desktop i5-3470 + GTX 670 + 8gb was able to run high-ultra settings with 60-100fps.
Console versions of ESO will be more popular then the PC and MAC versions.
to be honest, people have waited something like ESO for a very long time now for consoles.
The game does not really need that many players in a zone to be playable. Even on the the PC, zones will be relatively empty(on purpose) as the server divides the population into separate instances. So even with Xbox population being much lower, you will be able to play just fine. There simply will only be one or two parallel instances instead of 20 like the PC version will have.
PC has 1000 players, the server divides them into 10 instances of 100 players each. A PC player sees 100 players in the zone
XBOX has 100 players, the server puts all 100 into one instance. Xbox player sees 100 players in the zone, same as PC.
My question still remains though, if no one is playing the game on the console of your choice, do they have to then buy it again for another platform or can you just download the PC version and play it there and switch your account over?
What? There have been 3 million PS4s sold world wide. Implying that all 3 million people are going to buy this game, is absolutely absurd. They will be lucky to hit 600k purchases on the PS4 alone, and the XBox 1 requires 2 fees to even play the game.
PC beta alone had 5 million beta testers. 5 million... beta... testers. Thats just the people who signed up to test the game. The PC market will be much much larger.
Unknown at this time. It will depend on a lot on any deals with Sony & Microsoft, i.e. if you have to pay through PSN then it's extremely unlikely you'll be able to just switch to PC, as the account verification details will be with Sony (who are unlikely to want to sponsor players moving to another platform, especially at their own cost).
Personally I'd like to be able to pay one sub to play on either platform. How likely is that to happen? Not much
Now that I think about it, it seems like the console version of TESO is not going to go very well. Think about it, a majority of console users probably never played an MMO, let alone playing a game with a monthly fee. I think a lot of people will be uncomfortable with it and just quit shortly after getting the game. I, on the other hand, will most likely play and pay for TESO as long as theirs monthly content and is just enjoyable. I'm having some doubts though from the last beta though.
How many F2P games are out there? Says a lot about the state of the gaming industry these days.
Besides, the trend is to buy a year's subscription in advance. How stupid.
PC upgradee = Motherboard, GC, HDD and probably power supply.....thats a fair bit more than the price of a console. A GC that can run at decent settings is hitting the £400 mark (cost of a console).
Besides...with the console, I would get a few other enjoyable games.
Atm, all I enjoy (enjoyed) on PC is Eso.
The console is cheaper & has a greater value for the investment atm.