Neither the Golden Saints nor the Dark Seducers seem to embody Madness that much. In fact, compared to everybody but Haskill, Sheogorath, and Dyus, really, I'd say they have a pretty good handle on what's going on, and are coordinated enough (at times) to put up a determined resistance. They seem quite receptive to madness, because they've been there quite a long time.
For that matter, none of the Dremora seem to embody Destruction (to the extent that you can't dismiss their destructive tendencies as 'paying homage to their lord', so to speak). In fact, the few Dremora we've spoken to seem to me to be more focused on honor and superiority to mortals.
For that matter, none of the Dremora seem to embody Destruction (to the extent that you can't dismiss their destructive tendencies as 'paying homage to their lord', so to speak). In fact, the few Dremora we've spoken to seem to me to be more focused on honor and superiority to mortals.
if Battlespire is anything to go by then Daedra (or daedroth) are all very independantly minded - they not only have individual opinions as to all situations but they are also aware of the col;lective opinions of the various kinds of daedra. they've been at it for a very long time and for them that part is so commonplace that the smarter ones can explain very precisely if they have a mind to
putting that into context when the hero in battlespire talks to the more forthcoming ones they tell him what they tink of their patron and whether they agree with his aims and decisions - as well as ginving a run down on their siblings, peers and superiors
natch different daedra have dfifferent characters and capabilities - so some are derriere kissers and some are rebels etc
... and consider that they think of most mortals as having very limited abilities (including self control) - just sheep to be hunted according to some