I've learned, thanks to glargg, that you can go to Kvatch, and do the one gate, BUT DO NOT GO FIND MARTIN. If you do just the one, and blow off Martin, Oblivion gates will never appear in your world. Oh, and you can go deal with Kvatch, the city, as well, and not trigger more gates.
Acadian is correct that taking Martin to the Priory is what advances the quest line. My suggestion of not talking to him is more about the role play, since a character has no way of knowing what happens later. (The dialog tree leads to Martin agreeing to come to the Priory with you. Why would you not lead him there, since he has agreed to go?)
By leaving Martin at the Kvatch encampment (whether you talk to him or not), the quest line is "frozen," and can be picked up at any later time just by going and talking to Martin.